Ok, focus. It’s the NEW MOON in a week, and there’s still a lot of trash to clear… (most of it in your mind).
This closing phase of the moon’s cycle leads to the balsamic, then dark moon phase. It slowly brings a soothing, calm, restorative quality to our ‘issues’, highlighted by the Virgo Sun. And god knows, we got some issues.
Try not to focus on things too ‘out there.’ Chances are, your problems are much closer to home, or work and if you must include others in your reparation process, ask how are they SERVING YOU, and, more to the point, how are YOU SERVING them.
If we’re muddying, polluting, messing with each others’ carpets, closets, pantries, minds and hearts, then what’s with that? Naturally, the inclination would be to get to work, trying to clean up the situation, but that can be an endless pursuit if we are reluctant to sit down and work out the root of the problem. Now that may be beyond our Virgoan capacities, it’s more of a Libra/Scorpio thing, but, as the boy scout motto says “Be Prepared”.
The main thing, of course, is to remember not to throw the baby out with the bathwater…