Gimme Shelter: NEW MOON at 18°02′ CANCER – Saturday, July 10, 01:17 UTC

The Cancer New Moon, the last of this year’s supermoons, is also perhaps the most personal since its cardinal watery nature activates the maternal, nurturing, protective instincts in us all. Everyone somehow relates to the sympathetic, emotionally receptive response to life – our inner child seeks nourishment comfort and support, to feel protected and secure, and to be coddled and consoled, especially in times of need.

The past 12 months has not been an easy time. Last year’s Cancer New Moon (Jul 21) opposing the harsh Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn, which followed a Cancer Total Solar Eclipse (Jun 21) had a devastating effect on our emotional ties. Many of the connections to our local communities, family and our most cherished friends had become severed as a result of extreme global phenomena. Although rough, isolating and in many ways catastrophic to our accustomed habits and cultural habitats, external pressures forced us deeper into ourselves, as if the universe was asking us to withdraw from the existing intersubjective reality and observe just how subjective and personal this whole experience is, for each of us.

Suddenly, we all found ourselves alone, in our own private universe. The sense of distance and alienation, whilst initially bewildering and strange to many of us, has also afforded us the chance to set a new baseline from which to examine our emotional dependencies to things like ‘home, family, tribal and instinctive urges, as well as ties to our history and cultural influences. Over the past year, we have come to discover just how governed we are by our deeply-rooted, unconscious patterns. Over-attachment to habitual behaviours can be toxic and destructive, leads to smothering, suffocating, possessive, and indulgent behaviour which, if it refuses to see itself, develops into a symbiotic, parasitic and ultimately terminal end.

In retrospect, 2020’s double Cancer lunations bestowed an emotional reset moment upon the entire planet. Universal forces conspired to mess with humanity’s clannish insecurities, sever its unwritten provincial attachments to the past, its blindly whimsical clutches to one another, and in an evolutionary jolt, shook many of us monkies out of our trees, bringing us down to earth with a resounding thump. We have been forced to deal with our feelings towards everything that connects us, not only to one another but to our past. Tremendous self-effacement has exposed how we often behave like indulgent, infantile, martyr-like, hysterical, self-pitying, pathetic little babies. Much of this has been deeply jolting to our emotional bodies, which store memories of trauma, both personal and transgenerational.

This year’s Cancer lunation is similarly intense, not merely because it is a supermoon and emotions are heightened, but squares to Chiron/Eris indicate that we are still somewhat sensitive to historic wounds of shame, rejection and feeling horribly left out of the loop. The opposition to Pluto only reverberates some of the ongoing problems and challenges we face around power, extremely unconscious reactions that continue to surface in our interpersonal relationships. These are usually triggered when we express or feel subjected to overbearing, provocative and dominating behaviours from anyone who tries to be in control of all situations, especially those who desire to be in a position of authority. Our instinctive reactions to this may be similarly subversive and manipulative in order to resist or reclaim our own power. We will see this interminable, unrelenting struggle to reclaim control, this desire to change the world into how it best suits our own image, to reflect the way we think it should be over the course of the next 12 months.

The Cancer lunation’s trine to Neptune in Pisces indicates how the world that we experience is opening itself to us in the specific way it shows up as an instantaneous reflection) of the way in which we wish to observe it. This means that our inner attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions, all subjective states of mind, play a central role in the evocation of the particular form that the world appears to us moment by moment. It is important to note here that in order to understand our world as holistically (fully) as possible, we need to merge the objective/scientific and our subjective/emotional spheres of knowledge, shifting from a science of objectivity to the science of intersubjectivity. I explained this consciousness shift into the quantum dimensions more thoroughly in my recent cosmic bus episode.

In any sense, whether you are conscious of it or not, your attention is now focusing, more and more intensely, on redefining certain personal areas, be they home, family, economic, personal health immunity, domestic control and job security, the yearning for belonging to a greater community, your feelings of humanness which somehow bind you to the world around you.

We are looking to be alike, and to be liked in kind and, as such, where attention goes, energy (intention) flows…
On this New Moon, you are forming a special intention for the months ahead. How does this present for you? I have again prepared a special, empowering horoscope and unique set of intentions to guide you for each of your zodiac signs – please read, both your Sun & Rising signs carefully.

Blessings to you all, and may you have an amazing New Moon xx

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