You know the bull could turn and charge any moment, but sure if it don’t always surprise you.

Doesn’t matter how evolved or awakened are as a sentient being; how sophisticated your argument and how refined and eloquently laid out your vision for tomorrow… there’s something about being charged by a horned animal whose mass is a dozen times your own that you just gotta respect.

It’s only January, and I’ve lost count how many bull runs I have seen already…

AQUARIUS: Blah-de-blah VISION; blah-de-blah FORWARDNESS, tickity-boo EQUALITY; lickity-split HUMANITY…

TAURUS: Get off my land.

COSMIC NOTICE TO ALL: The earth-mother (Gaia) you’ve been riding on, the one you’ve ravaged and whose children you’ve plundered and continue to treat as a commodity for your trade and enslavement… well, she’s pretty pissed. In a few more clicks your pointer will freeze, the system memory will seize, and all your data will be permanently inaccessible. You may not call it a ‘miracle’, but that’s exactly what it might take to help you realise just how little you actually have.

Anyone else (not) find it funny that the speculation (gambling) of our non-renewable resources is done in a ‘stock’ market which trades ‘shares’ and ‘futures’ as limitless commodities?

ASTRO NOTE: JUPITER castrated his father SATURN as he had done with his father (URANUS) before that.
MORAL: Your children will ultimately wrest your patriarchal custody away from you, render you impotent and banish you from your own kingdom…

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