PISCES/PISCES RISING Excerpt: "...only if you are clear within your own mind can you serve as a medium for others..." ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Full Moon Message for Members Below: This Full Moon presents you with an emotional crisis that could possibly manifest as a health concern for you if you choose to ignore the signs. Take note of stressful circumstances in your life, particularly ones to do with neighbours, relatives, anyone who lives with you. Unresolved tensions and emotional anxieties eventually produce a detrimental effect on your mental and physical vitality. You must take these seriously, even if you cannot see the cause. Similarly, crises you face in your personal relationships seem to stem from mental dissatisfactions which may be unclear to you. These indicate that you’re failing to listen to inner messages urging you to restore and maintain a healthy, free-flowing energy connection between the levels of your whole being – physical, mental and psychological, especially issues to do with protecting your autonomy and boundaries around your psychic or psychological space. Awash in foggy confusion, you rarely find a way to marshal the energy required for follow-through. Examine how frequently you would rather escape into your digital device than engage with the real world. Perhaps a cleansing fast, and a more conscious effort to clean up your act in other areas too is vital to avoid complete collapse, especially if you see that your health, fitness and source income are diminishing. The fixed Leo/Aquarius Full Moon may indicate that you are stuck in an awkward, untenable position. Though you prefer some continuity and repetitive routine in your daily life, you may be struggling to find security in the old, familiar and predictable habits. Perhaps it’s time to risk it and try something radical, new and progressive. You may need to unplug or take some time away from your usual mental activities or ideocratic surroundings in order to regain some sense of peace and spiritual tranquillity. The world is currently undergoing some enormous adjustments and there are considerable unrest and irritation. Being so sensitive and highly attuned, you may find it difficult to separate the collective unrest of others from your own true spirit. You may even doubt whether you have the fortitude and courage necessary to withstand any of the stress. Focus on your meditation, reading and art. Get in touch with nature and the earth. You may have to work a little harder to overcome any distractions or dissolve away any creative blockages. Adjusting your diet and exercise routines would be a great start in helping you to become more conscious of the need to balance the interrelationship between body-mind-soul. More than anyone, you see the lifting of the veil of social illusions, the dissolution of ego concerns in favour of a greater sense of oneness, and your vision that we are not so different or as separate from one another as we might seem is profound, albeit still practicably nowhere near being effectively achieved. Avoid escapism and negative thinking, and try not to get into messy arguments with those who may not yet be able to see the whole picture as you do. The use of alcohol, drugs (especially marijuana and prescription narcotics) as a way of ‘reconnecting to spirit’ or just self-medicating any pain only brings your spirit low, leaves you feeling weak, victimized, dissociated and ineffective. Despite the intensity of it all, you can find far greater strength and happiness outside of any ego obsessions by focusing on purifying your mind and body in order to channel a greater connection to all others and to all of creation. Seeking emotional numbness as a remedy for the sensory overload leads you to become apathetic, nihilistic and robs you of your creative genius. Use the light of the Full Moon to dive into the sea of true cosmic mysticism and artistic expression. Amaze others with your magical shape-shifting abilities, tapping into the muses in all art forms and use your gifted, empathetic expression to generate a calm, peaceful pool in which others can see their own beauty reflected. You may be unique in that you possess gifts which allow you to transcend the human concepts of a limited time-space continuum. Use them effectively to communicate messages from the spirit world and the angelic realms. This can only be done in a grounded, responsible way, for only if you are clear within your own mind can you serve as a medium for others, helping to deliver potent messages from other dimensions. Consider your physical health as a direct indicator of your creative integrity. Immerse yourself in the measured pace of some real, physical work, something which aligns with the rhythm of your task with a definite goal. If you do not, the pitfalls of this Full Moon could mean you become imprisoned by a life of random or self-defeating habits. Rise to the challenge by providing yourself with a steady flow of positive, productive work routines. Not only will it improve your health, but your income will also grow and your spirits will rise again. Come, you owe it to yourself to improve your entire self-image. ARIES ♈ | TAURUS ♉ | GEMINI ♊ | CANCER ♋ | LEO ♌ | VIRGO ♍ | LIBRA ♎ | SCORPIO ♏ | SAGITTARIUS ♐ | CAPRICORN ♑ | AQUARIUS ♒ | PISCES ♓ Book a Private Session with Ang [click here] *Discounts apply to members of our Cosmic Tribe.