MOON enters Leo

The MOON enters Leo and over the next 24 hours will bring very close to home many shocking truths and revelations, which in essence have been coming to a head for a while now. These are difficult to understand, yet everyone feels them and are in essence the cause of all our irritation and uneasiness…

Because of the ongoing campaign of disinformation, the feeling of disbelief that creeps over us is all invasive, it takes over. As we are instinctively confronted by shocking truths, we must go through the motions of how to deal with these. In the social, exterior sense, many of us are doing what we’re supposed to do, but internally, due to gradual dissociation from our souls due to subliminal brainwashing, we are not there at all.

We are all in a hopeless bind here. Strange how shocked we are to hear truths and how seemingly indifferent we are to age-old nonsense and repurposed lies. The myths of established tradition seem inescapable. The epistemic relief posed by newly imposed standards (science and tech) seems inescapable. We can try to pretend that this is not the case, that we are able to exercise our ‘god-given’ rights, freedoms and individual sovereignty, all the while vigorously denying that, in all honesty, we never truly experienced anything of the kind. We have always been enslaved to some degree of ignorance and darkness, and this has been imposed on us most violently.

All the while, authorities of every kind (from governments to world health bodies, corporations, bosses, priests, parents) are telling us how we should impose new and tighter measures. The funniest thing about this is that we cannot see (nor will admit) what we are doing. By forfeiting liberties in our beliefs and standards, we are indeed enabling the controllers.

This Leo Full Moon presents the ultimate clash of fixed wills.

Conservatives have their standard, they know the basis for it is simple and earthy and are willing to live by it and defend it to the death Progressives have their lofty standard, which they are willing to impose on others, yet when they are called upon to defend or explain their standard (and why it is imperative that it should apply over everyone), they shroud themselves with a cloak of clichés and nonsensical tarradiddle.

No society can exist unless the adherents of the ruling status quo are willing to act sometimes violently via laws, to enforce, limit, dispel or dismiss the views of individuals and minorities which flatly disagree. This is where we come unstuck… this… this is where the seeds of the revolution are sown.