The Moon’s pass over the Mars/Eris

Manipulation means control. That’s not just something politicians, news media, and showbiz influencers will employ to play on your fears and emotions just to get you to vote, spend, or think a certain way. Chances are, you can be just as controlling and manipulative when you act out to keep nefarious, malicious or toxic motherfuckers at bay – especially if you have the power to think for yourself.

REMEMBER HANLON’S RAZOR: Never attribute to ‘malice’ that which can adequately be explained by ‘ignorance’.

And have yourself a merry little mf’n Xmas. xx

The Moon’s pass over the Mars/Eris ignites the side of us which feels offended/triggered at being ignored, neglected and left out. It’s not a conspiracy to get you if you don’t let it get to you.

Come on… you know you’ve had the power to choose how you will deal with this all along. You only sow the seeds of political/consumerist manipulation when you forfeit your faculties of judgment and merely follow your hopes and fears… that’s what the Pluto in Capricorn VS Eris in Aries is trying to teach humanity (2020-21)