NEPTUNE in Pisces squares Total SOLAR in Sadge (Dec 15)

This is for sure this time, man… I’m telling you – the “Christmas Star” is a sign that the second coming is about to happen…

Nothing seems to temper the moral superiority of those who insist that the JUPITER/SATURN CONJUNCTION is nothing less than a return of “The Christmas Star'”. Yet, those religious/spiritual/conspiracy nuts conveniently ignore that every progress in human history – from the spread of technology and innovation, literacy and science, freedom of speech and the abolition of slavery has had to, at some point, meet the disapproval that it ‘went against God’s will’.

This is why we cannot see eye to eye on anything anymore… #HolyTrippers

NOTHING around us is what it appears to be… NOR is the “second coming” what we thought it would be either. It is the knowledge that the spirit of the great intent resides in all things and all things are united by the true spirit of pure, christed-light. Start by accepting the pure truth of what and who you are before you seek to find divinity out there…

One comment

  1. This Jesus is everything. Are those aviators Tom Ford?