Rx MERCURY slows to again oppose URANUS

Jumping to conclusions, making snap judgements, trying to persuade others to ‘think as I do’ (even though those thoughts aren’t convincing), plans that go haywire and just all-round mental skullduggery persist in our interpersonal dealings as Rx MERCURY slows to again oppose URANUS.

So why is it so hard to trust a word you hear, especially those coming out of your own mouth?

Because this is it now.
Our future is being wiped out so we (none of us) get any ideas on how ‘tomorrow’ may look. There is no tomorrow. I know it’s disconcerting, but it’s nature’s way of ensuring that no story gets to have its perfect ending. No agenda can succeed without the obligatory hitches. We are learning – the hard way – that our old narratives can no longer follow a clear, linear beginning, a middle, and an end. Time is becoming non-linear and hence, so is our reality.

The ☿ ☍ ♅ shatterfest is about introducing the great ‘not knowing’; being ready fo change; taking this moment (now) and making the most of it, remaining clueless about what is about to happen next. If you are of the ‘expecting’ kind, expect only disruptions, freakish upsets, cracks and breakages.