*Update* COSMIC BUS rescheduled

Beloved Tribe,

Please forgive my inability to present the scheduled ‘Pisces Full Moon’ session yesterday due to tech problems with Facebook’s phone app update (FB’s new mobile version lacked the all-important ‘live’ feature). This problem has been fixed by re-installing the app, which reverted me to the old version.

Unfortunately, due to a lingering headache, I will defer the promised catch-up session until tomorrow (usual time) – keeping you posted one hour before the live-event.

I look forward to seeing you all then, may you stay well until then. Many Blessings and thank you for your understanding (typical Virgo/Pisces problems) and kind wishes to you all xx

What kind of a world are we building? Or is it up to us to destroy everything for the sake of a few? Do we want to leave our children a planet that runs on empathy and kindness or one possessed by bullying demagoguery? Do we even care what happens, so long as we don’t die?

Right now, we are forced to make choices on how we must act: Do we keep on living in our own neatly organised, compartmentalised, sanitised, sterile existence, while sacrificing our ability to emotionally connect with others, surrendering our freedom to merge with those around us, denying our feelings, dreams and visions of a more united world? Or do we see through this grand hoax which uses subtle programming based on anxiety and morbid fear to remove all semblance of our humanity, and breeds only monsters?

These are some of the key themes we will discuss on the next episode of #CosmicBus, stopping here live, in one hour. Don’t miss it.
season tickets:


  1. have I missed the bus this week?

    • Due to technical difficulties, the Bus has been rescheduled for tomorrow at the usual time (a little over 24 hours from now.) Thank you for your patience.

  2. This has been a weird and kind of rough couple of days. Look forward to the Bus ride when its time. 🙂