It’s no secret. PLUTO in Capricorn (2008-2024) is slowly disintegrating all structures. Nothing is permanent but the pure light of self-emanating stars. All of the deals, agreements, contracts and constitutions that held our dynasties together over the generations are being deeply examined for elements of perversion, distortion and corruption of the christed-light.

Sins of the father, visited upon the son.

Our deeply subconscious actions; our cultural ‘memes’ and ‘norms’; those deeply invested in shady conspiracies to hold back and evenly distribute power, from one generation to the next, are currently being brought up to the light.

The 2020 convergence of main social indicators (JUPITER/SATURN) on either side of PLUTO make this moment in time intensely critical for all societies and their dynasties of power, regardless of economic, political and religious allegiances.

We cannot witness the social reconstruction that Pluto in Capricorn promises until we pass through a period of total and thorough deconstruction of 250 years of lies, cover-ups and conspired manipulations, set by historic values which we now understand to be corrosive and toxic to our collective health, well-being and evolution of our species.

Towers of power (institutions of monopolisation) will continue to collapse. Pluto will introduce a new level of equanimity when he enters Aquarius in 2024.