When MARS/NEPTUNE squares the SUN, be on the lookout for those energy vamps, those psychically fixing to sap your creative ideas and suck out your abundant vitality. The drama queens, the gaslighting control freaks, those disparaging fault-finders, the ‘poor-me’s, the fruity woohoo’s, the malignant narcissists, those godforsaken martyrs, etc. are all currently in full-scale operation, each vying to tax a little of your life-force.

It’s hard to know just what to think and who to trust…

Make a note to stay aware of the energy differences: Check it. See how it makes you feel. If she’s a drainer, you can’t sustain her.

It’s hard to have a discussion during such a disturbing time. A lot of people don’t want to bother with the really sensitive issues being raised. It doesn’t help that everyone has been locked up in their homes for months, angry, fed up, unemployed or economically damaged, perhaps lost touch with how to relate to one another in real-life.

Life is becoming a real-life twitter-war, spilling out into the streets and causing awful domestic unrest…

Over the past few months with Jupiter pumping up the Saturn/Pluto deal, every society is all but rife for some sort of blowout. Most people are feeling it, with many feeling that ‘the system’ is stacked up against them somewhat. There are entire contingents of people feeling so left out and aggrieved, so fed up with their lot of being ignored, and so convinced with the justness of their cause that they are ready to willfully cause violence and destruction. They demand to be heard.

That’s maybe you and me, that’s maybe all of us – not now, but gradually, as soon as we accept that social media has reduced our lives into a gibbering wreck and that our real societies are filled with people with whom we cannot get two words in before we have somehow haplessly managed to offend because either we have forgotten how to relate or we have been denied the privilege to practice how to talk to one another without violently triggering their sore spots.