![[pic: candace dyar]](https://angstoic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Candace-Dyar.jpg)
What if you woke up to a world that was no longer about competition, ambition, domination? What if you were to suddenly awaken to see this planet as a gentle place where kind folks were ready to start working together, hand in hand in co-operation, attending to and nurture all that is, blooming individually in their full integrity and coming together to work as one, to lay down the lasting foundations for all that could be?
Sounds like the ideal hey?
Yet, our world is instead about to be thrust into a hectic state of flux – of turbulent changes both politically, geo-cosmically, and eventually economically. Everything is soon about to change.
Change never happens when thing are fine. In fact, even when things are getting rough we still have an unconscious tendency to resist change. However, over these past 3-4 revolutionary years of Uranus-Pluto squares (2012-2015), made to feel even more dire during the disillusioning effects of the Saturn-Neptune squares (Nov ’16, Jun-Sep ’16), we have had no option but to concede that necessary changes must be made on all levels. We are far from living the dream this planet has always wanted for its inhabitants. The ‘change’ we’re talking about is now happening in some of the most unprecedented places, and very few of us are used to this level of change at all.
Let’s just spell it out a little here:
Everybody wants to belong to some sort of pecking order, right? Something that defines you within the society to which you belong. And, of course, within that pecking order, you want to rise to the top. If you are materialistic, you want to be the richest; if you’re an intellectual, then you want to be the smartest; if you’re the bright, spirited kind, you’re seeking to get the most attention for yourself; if you’re the soft, emotional kind you want to feel the most needed;… even those pious, spiritual ones among us strive to be the most Spiritual of all…
Are you feeling this?
In the past 3-4 years, quantum technologies are stream-lining human interconnection in such ways our social intelligence is processing in exponential bounds. This has subliminally, in very subtle ways, filtered through to the core of ‘society’s’ energetic system – the dependence on clusters of humans to bond together through succumbing to collective fear, judgement and competition with one another. As humans step out of this 3D prism and discover more ‘present time’ (4D), they start to see stuff.
First on the emotional level, where we are allowing to be less attached or committed to memories and sentiments from the past or hopes and dreams about the future, then on a spiritual level where we are afforded more time for contemplation and better discernment about which information from the exterior world really affects us and what is just unrelated dross. In all this, we are slowly experiencing a new freedom… a spiritual liberty which is occurring organically in every soul.
This creates changes where changes in humans have never been afforded before.
The changes happening now are occurring at the atomic level. Through the exponential growth in our process of discernment and detachment from much peripheral unnecessities, the average human being is being allowed to transmute down at its spiritual core. Every cell in our bodies, down to the complex nucleus of its DNA, is starting to sort and release deeply ingrained information that has been keeping our species held with memories of ruthless survival and competition, and this has kept us strongly magnetised to one another in the largest social scale.

This recent period of eclipses leading into the Sun’s Libra equinox (September 22) is in effect heralding the critical turning point of our species’ struggle to find a balance upon this journey towards true ascension of our being.
As the old establishments of church-based religions, structured governments and corporations begin to fall away; as the fundamental rule by imposing bodies whose only power comes from perpetuating notions of exterior threats loses its bite; as the relentless campaigns by forces that preach and mandate duality, separation, judgement and domination over the physical universe start to lose their grip over the individual human spirit, we will start to see a new divinity emerging.
It is a rising new holiness; a brand new whole-ness dawning now upon our kind – one that takes the form of the greatest alchemy ever experienced upon this planet. We now have access to phenomenal tools and insights that are capable of intercepting the old, linear dimensions. Insights and tools that in past centuries had only ever been the domain of a mere handful of ‘christed-beings’ that happened to walk upon this earth. Beings who, in their day were persecuted for expressing their extraordinary clarity. Insights and tools which are now increasingly available to us all.
This is most evident among the younger generations – our millennial children, and progressively their children, who have come ready-equipped to bypass (or intercept) linear time and transcend the elements of a fear-based competitive world, as they experiment with these in virtual worlds to discover their true sovereignty and how to share that equanimously with everyone. You are doing it too, but the process for those of us who have been conditioned by the 3D world is more intensive and much shedding of the external conditioning is necessary in order for us to find our true divinity.
So how do you find your true divinity?
This can only come from a deep sense of certainty about our role here on this planet as individual co-creators. Beings who are not only capable of receiving the abundance of intense new Spirit Light upon our planet, but by their natural curiosity, their doubt and skepticism somehow come to deduce and transduce their own spirit into a deep, cellular understanding of what is true from their own personal experience.
It is in this process of determining how best to use these powerful cosmic rays that we ultimately come to discover that there is never any fear of becoming tainted by any ego-attachments to a world which, in its physically structured form, only promises change and mutation.
Those who can receive the Spirit light with a healthy sense of observation by taking a scientific approach to their spirituality – by accepting openly, without jumping to pass judgement; holding off… being sure, but not too sure; being willing to let go of erroneous notions and flimsy ideas when all the evidence is clearly stacked against them: these are the individuals who are blessed with the true knowledge that everything is ultimately ok, always keeping the journey of exploration open, always giving life, thought, love, their whole being, their willingness to try over again after any mistake – after every wrong guess – these are the souls who on this plane ultimately become empowered to rise above the world of fear and judgement.
These are the true healers, change-agents, alchemists of our world – those who understand that it is not possible to taint or distort a quality which is true and greater than themselves, who use this divine Spirit light blessed upon us by the pure creative power of the stars to transform anything that is lesser than themselves.
Thus, by raking through the mud we find the rough stones we can polish and refine into diamonds, first by bravely sifting through our own stories – those spurious tales about our personal identity and those about our family – those cleverly constructed genealogies, passed down to us as some distorted, convoluted versions of critical events – first by our parents, who in their humanness often choose to deny their own culpable lack of responsibility, then, later recounted by our egotistical selves in ever-embellished self-hagiographies or perpetuated identification to our victimhood.
On a greater level, these personal depictions of ‘who we are’ are also steeped in our inheritance of a superstitiously anachronistic culture, darkened by the grim history of mankind’s collective grief and terror to survive, not to mention the unspeakable atrocities that stem back to the dawn of our species and the beginning of life itself, information deeply ingrained in our DNA. By questioning deeply into ourselves we are able to earnestly purify every engram (in every cell) in our bodies that continues to unconsciously taint and pervert our divine place under the canopy of the pure light of the universe.
In our capacity to reach deep within, we focus our healing attention on every living cell in our bodies. As we methodically eliminate any element in our lives that no longer makes sense to us, we come to intently transmute ourselves from any impurity that has the power to influence our freedom of choice at the most microcosmic level. In this re-empowerment of self, we similarly become ready to transform the wider cosmos around us.
Slowly, we begin to restore a balance on this planet, both within, then without. “As above, so below”, the saying goes.
The alchemist is one who turns lead – a lower, denser, tarnished metal into the highest, purest form – pure gold. Our species is now becoming courageous enough to trawl through its own toxic swamp, rummaging around in the organic muck that spawned all of life upon this planet and focusing intently on turning it into pure crystal – diamond – an unalterable, unbreakable, untamed form of matter that does not distort the light, but aims only to disperse it in its purest integrity, shares it indiscriminately with total joy, creativity and harmony, and celebrates it with the same intent as its creator.
Are you aware that you are already taking part in this process?
I am resonating with every friggin’ paragraph man.
Excellent wordsmithery old chap.
May the return of Christ Consciousness
come upon every hue-man faster and faster!
Or, at one’s own pace.
As it likely is.
Really though, the sooner the better.