As Retrograde Mercury squares the über-sensitive Neptune in Pisces, those more sensitive among us may sense many subtle, subliminal or intuitive influences from others. It is not uncommon to feel oppressed by those around us but to not exactly know why. Any surface tensions, superficial issues that arise may be just simply just be symptoms to something deeper, and rooted at the core of our over-sensitive nature.
Family dramas, and early trauma can leave us exposed to extreme psychic receptiveness to others, that at times (such as these) can cause seemingly irrational fears to arise, making life excruciatingly difficult and confusing.
Whilst there is a strong need to listen to the guidance of one's inner voice, but our delicateness, confusion and impressionability can often create horrible difficulties and uncertainty around this. It is not enough to have a finely tuned intuition. We must also feel grounded enough to use this intuition to wisely guide ourselves toward those connections and experiences that we most need to keep us in joy and good health.
Everybody needs protection and grounding, but “sensitives” and those who have experienced considerable abuse through childhood or have gone through trauma in their life will especially require protection and ways of feeling safe. Here are some ideas for you:
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