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Dear Tribe,
It would be fair to start this monthly report by stating that this has not been an easy time for many. In many ways the auguries presented by the stars are ringing frightfully true, with the second of these lugubrious Saturn/Neptune squares delivering all the melancholic blues that it had promised. Until the final square in September, it is a period whose 3-month extent includes the slow disintegration of a world that we cannot even imagine just how well it held together, in light of everything that seems to be coming apart in the structure on an almost day to day level.
This month kicks off in a flying fit with Mars in Scorpio now direct again (finally). It will be another two years before the fiery warrior goes retrograde again (this time in Aquarius). By then our world will seem barely recognisable as we ever remember it to be. Many of us here would have certainly graduated from the clutches of the fear and panic we are currently still being held to and have come to learn that if we do not start to co-operate (as opposed to banding together in fright) that we stand to gain little reward.
But that is two years…
Linear time…
And I fathom to say that the world of linear dimensions, of clocks and pressures to pay dues to time and space will be something that you will have surely mastered how to navigate your way through, knowing that what continues to manifest in the dense world of order has been all but debunked as one possible permutation of an interpretation of a dream that somebody once had, but sadly is now abjectly incapable of even interesting you to look at the brochure. By this stage, many of us us here will be fully equipped with the keenest spirit lazer-vision, to transcend any of Mars’ lower octave dramas and know that any effort not made for the sake of whole is a misfired, incomplete, and thoroughly transparent act of empty bravura.
Anyway… for now, Mars goes direct. Soon out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius on August 3, finally out of his retrograde shadow on August 23.
But for now, let’s talk about July.
I like to look at July as the big lead up to August, which will be the straw that breaks September’s back. In saying this, I’d like to add that when I look at anything, it is never with a sense of fear, apprehension or horror. My point of view – which is certainly always from the centre of the circle is a wholly impartial place, and i wish to re-mind you all to come stand here in the centre of the circle too – don’t care whether you are Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces… as fellow travellers on the cosmic bus, we tour this time/space continuum on the proviso that we remain objective and that we do not become partial to any place or moment in time – let’s call it Ang’s cool 4D glasses, through which everything appears neutral and constantly in the now.
Sure you can see it, it looks like 3D (the real thing) but there is a level of understanding that you can never have it, and, like your baggage (which I actually took the liberty of instructing my crew to lose the moment you boarded) you can never take it with you. Nothing you will see on this amazing journey is transferable. Nobody you see is going to become a person to whom you can form any attachment. You may make lots of friends, but ironically, the closer you become, the more you will want to keep equidistant for the sake of facilitating your own growth and development of higher understanding.
Dig? It’s 4D… the interceptor of time and space and it’s your investment towards a retirement in a 5D multiverse [what the fuck is he talking about??]
Ok… so July already:
Three big things in July:

The New Moon in Cancer, July 4, blesses us with unprecedented levels of sensitivity and intuitive power to feel in ways that none of us would have ever imagined possible (trine Neptune) whilst simultaneously making us feel increasingly incompatible or disconnected with the socio-political world (quincunx Saturn), creating an impossible paradox that will, if you step off the bus (or take of your 4D glasses) – even for a minute of real time – will leave you feeling so confused and forlorn… so worn out and discombobulated that you may immediately feel queasy and want to reach for the barf bag. On top of this, an overwhelming force to keep your thoughts and feelings private, staying assiduously mindful to avoid sharing any matters of personal sensitivity with anyone (opposition Pluto). At the same time, your powers of perspicacity into the private lives of others may be so rich and provoking, that if you are not careful some heavy confrontations may ensue. Particularly with those close to you who may not necessarily appreciate your personal probing.
Well, this is happening to everyone else too on some level – but you, resonating at the cool and detached frequencies of 4D neutral observation, will choose not to get to involved since you are mindful that this is not a journey where you are allowed to hold any personal feelings for what you are experiencing. To do this would be utterly disastrous.
Note this time.
Note it is is coming very soon. Be ready to make your intention to have amazingly profound feelings, but not to dwell on them for longer than than what the moment calls. You’ll be ok. Promise.
And watch what happens to those whimsical and sentimental kooks who try to cling.
Oh, the humanity…
Lots of things will happen, particularly in the way our thoughts will process into our emotional field in the next two weeks – and it’s important to note not to try to make too much sense of anything you see. This is because – in all ways that you may be formerly accustomed to (and as we have already seen in many instances so far) nothing can make sense in the conventional meaning of the word sense. Your senses will seem distorted in a way, but then, from a purely observational point of view, that should not matter to you too much. Just try not to get sentimental. That, my friend, may hurt. A lot. And sadly, nobody will have any way of truly consoling that.
So stay on the bus… 4D spectacles/no baggage.

Then there’s the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 20:
By this time we are truly rocking. You will observe that the world is quaking with a strange insistence to upturn everything and plunge into a general state of total insubordination and nonconformity. This is mostly as a result of feeling so fucked over and confused over the events of the past two weeks that the only thing they can do – whether consciously or utterly blindly – is to display a recalcitrant and rebellious stance against anyone from whom they seem increasingly alienated. Ironically it is against all those whom they expected would otherwise support them.
Massive breakdowns, on every level.
It would appear that the world now starts to become so doggedly insistent on striking total independence, which in some delusional way only seems to generate exponential amounts of emotional tension all around. You will see, both personally and globally, explicit displays of individuality which will often clash harshly against any attempts to regain any form of emotional/social security.
Needless to say, you will observe a lot of unrest and hurt feelings or misunderstandings. Again – rule of thumb, do not get involved out there. If you are going to experience the revolution, let it be the revolution of the mind. Let the pundits fight it out there. Focus on keeping perspective that this little hiccup in linear time is absolutely necessary.
Which brings us to the last but most significant event. Which is largely related to the two lunations we just looked at anyway (everything is related).
Through the course of this month, our dear friend Uranus, ruler of the fourth-dimensional field enters the Saturn/Neptune scenario, and as he comes to station (July 29 @24°♈30’Rx) only minutes off an exact sesqui quadrate from Saturn, who himself is close to a station (Aug 13). This hard 8th harmonic fire partile will remain tight over this whole month, tightening most intensely through August, not releasing till mid September.
Great rumblings, or all problems will be heard all over the world during this separating sesqui quadrate aspect between these two very diverse planets during this period. Social activists Will be championing their favourite causes, conservative leaders will be defeated and overcome by more liberal chieftains, but most significantly, scientifically oriented people would introduce such a phenomenal discoveries that would eventually change the world of commerce and communication as we know it. This period also activates the true, hyper-kinetic crystal children born in the last 30-40 years, whose effect on raising global consciousness will have eventually wiped out the entire 3D world of density and fear over the next two generations.
Needless to tell you now, dear friends, that the revolution is surely afoot just outside our bus in July.
Do NOT be alarmed. Just observe. What you see happening here is a phenomenally divine process of humankind’s return to universal consciousness.
Please keep your hands inside the bus. If you try to reach out and be a part of the 3D action, you will lose the 4D impartially/neutrality that the Cosmic Bus offers, you could become embroiled in the bitter struggle between the worlds that nobody can ever hope to win. Let the pundits of fear, separation, division, guilt, judgement and limitation fight it out – nobody can stop the squabbling amongst them. They must learn to cease this on their own, after causing great damage to their structures. Structures that were always destined to collapse.
For us, we are gifted this month with the power of a Mars/Chiron trine. This allows us to assertively reach out to all those who truly need help and healing – often doing this in subtle, indirect ways that can be quite effective. We are working to build a new world order. We have the ability to transform destructive energies into constructive ones, as well as to apply destructive energies where they are most needed to clear the way for something higher.
Applying only the medicine of compassion and forgiveness, our ability to get to the heart of any conflict and hence resolve it or direct it along positive lines, rather than arguing in circles, gives us the confidence to not hold back when we sense what we need to do. Through our meditative practices, we are able to act on impulse without having to provide any mental or logical justification to do so.
A profound process is happening in amongst all the tension this month – it is the sustaining growth of our ability to engage in conflict in the most life-supporting way possible. It is our power of seeing into the roots of the conflict that shows us how it can be healed deeply and profoundly at its deepest level. Do not be afraid to take initiative based on the guidance of your intuition and spiritual forces acting with you.
Of course I will be covering all this quite closely here for you. As you may already know, I have committed my life to being your tour guide here, and though it would seem like the greatest sacrifice, I cannot tell you how rewarding (albeit isolating) this journey is for me.
However, just knowing that you are on board, and sensing your wonderful support is quite inspiring and makes all the difference to this, most important work for me.
and have an amazing month…
I am in awe of your uniqueness, innovative style and straight up bad ass ability to convey readings to those of us who are in the knowing, but dont know how to interrupt what we know. You know what i mean? Nevertheless, I appreciate…im grateful…I thank you for giving me the words to match what i know and feel…you put the “real” to reality….straight on second star to the right….straight on till morning…
Isolated / Healing / My Whole Life Was Just Torn Down / Displaced for Over two Months / Served Papers By too Many / Exhausted / I Wouldn’t be Able to Do Any Of This Without You !!! I Really Mean That Ang Stoic !!! Never in my Wildest Dreams Would I have Imagined This Saturn/Neptune Shit Storm…Its Not Over…..
Yes You Are Still Fucking Extraordinary In Your Not Of This World Way Of Talking To Me For Sure !!! I Just Had To Say This Because I Was So Self Absorbed In My Previous Post…Mucho Love To You My UK Man XOXO
Oh yeah and how about that HUGE UK Move? Seriously Its all Coming Down Everywhere…
Appreciations, Ang.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you so much for all you share. Thank you for these tune ups . Blessings
Over and over you speak many truths. Namaste Ang.
Ang, thank you for bringing this work to my/our attention. What you write is brilliant and pivotal. I love riding this bus, hands gently folded as I gaze through the glass . . .