As the Cancer Sun passes through the tight band of outer planets ♅, ♄, ♆ (all within 2°) who between them are forming a very complex, very sophisticated kind of tension, we see ourselves scrambling to come up with some more effective means on how to reconcile those increasingly disruptive forces that seem to demand change – now on a daily basis, as it seems…… (log in to read more)

This is all in the hope of solving our mounting problems of our sliding domestic security, of course. We’re not just talking global politics of course, just look at what’s going on in your very own household.
Of course the standard reaction would be to appeal to the fear element in each of us, then look for the old classic, traditional fixes – you know, stuff that worked to patch things up before. Usually, if our safety felt threatened in the past, we’d just go out and put more locks on the doors, maybe introduce a bigger, more vicious watchdog. Then we would go around and assure all our little darlings inside that daddy’s gonna make sure that no ‘baddies’ will ever hurt them.
However… we all know that the threat to our security in not ‘out there’ at all. Not anymore. Even the little darlings (especially them) know that.
But, hey… let’s not spoil the whole procession by the Cancer Sun now.
Because instead of having a good look at where the real problem lies, we’re going to appeal to all those who are currently feeling so weak, run-down, sensitive, confused, upset, depressed – those so aggrieved at the current state of rising insecurity that their nervous systems are fast defraying, and we are going to turn on the drama and the flair with such nurturingly poised assurances and such profusely protective promises that will create the indelible illusion that daddy’s gonna bring back some good, old-fashioned ‘law and order’ to the whole block.
Classic Sun transiting through ♅, ♄, ♆ stuff…
But people, please. This weekend:
Please be encouraged just to be your own person in deciding what influences you’re going to accept or not accept from others. NOBODY on the fucking planet can guarantee your security out there.
Why is that?
Because the demon, the enemy, the culprit is among us. He’s not out there… he is within. And you made him. You cooked him up, with your belief in fear, judgment, paranoia and hostility and divisiveness. And the more you pray to that 3D Saturnian cult, the more you feed him.
Let’s at least make an innovative start in at least understanding this.
ACCEPTING THIS will be the greatest breakthrough towards solving, not just the current issue, but ALL our security issues for ALL time.
Let us at least make a start.
It can be our little weekend project.
….also, why not check out these latest scopes:
That ol ‘ Saturn keep sitting right on my Sagg Ascendant square Neptune 14 Virgo. Seems to have been there forever…too long…boohooo :((