Look at us. How mean and petty we’ve become; liable to flush each other down the drain over the slightest little “imperfection.”
This is exactly what an unconscious Virgo South Node incursion upon our light—this total lunar eclipse of the heart foreshadows. Mean, punctiliously intolerant, and neurotically obsessed with efficiency and exactitude. It’s the sort of machine-without-soul-driven approach to living which, taken too far, has left us cold, unfeeling and too ready to cut each other off with an indifferent ghostly absence.
The VIRGO ECLIPSE isn’t far off (next Friday), and these things don’t merely creep up—they grow louder and louder until they’re deafening, pushing us over the edge unless we get a fucking grip and grow a heart.
Anyway, dear travellers, gather round the bus stop tomorrow (usual time). We’ll take a little tour into the stars, and I’ll tell you why this is happening, and why this becomes a whole nuther matter for us now…
PS. bring hugs xx
16:00 UTC – 08:00 PST – 09:00 MST – 10:00 CST – 11:00 EST – 16:00 GMT – 03:00 AEDT – 18:00 SAST – 17:00 CET – 18:00 EET
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