Tormented by something relentlessly irritating, leaving you most unsettled and sleep-deprived?
When these NEPTUNE/NODE themes kick in, especially highlighted now by the passing of the Pisces SUN at the anaretic, you might feel the urge to back away from friends and outside advice, seeking a private space where nobody else intrudes. It can be a much-needed break—time to recalibrate and decide what influences you’ll accept or reject. Yet, despite all efforts, sensitivity is at its highest now, and confusion is sure to be peaking: you’re probably unsure where others stand, you skip meetings, avoid social contacts, and you might inadvertently dodge the counsel you actually need. Idealistic fantasies about groups or individuals can cloud your judgement, sometimes replacing genuine engagement with wishful thinking.
Hard to connect, and the more you try, the sillier you look, or more awkward/disingenuous things come off.
In your personal life, all signs point inward, you are ushered gently to examine your emotions in solitude, refine your vision before sharing it (if, indeed, anyone else is up for it). Done well, you might inspire those around you to join in a dream or venture. Done poorly, you end up isolating yourself when genuine support or the counsel of others would help. Relationships might brim with unspoken tenderness and soul-level synergy—just as easily overshadowed by excuses, avoidance, or escapist habits like substance use (booze/toxins). Confrontations may feel awfully abrasive, even painful, but avoiding them can create even bigger chasms for the heart yearns connection.
Physically or mentally, there’s something eating you, and a pull to isolate through drugs or to submit to someone else’s will can be huge, which only wears down your resilience. In public matters (politics or business), we see leaders typically ignoring the real needs of the public, pursuing grandiose ideals; policies and laws become riddled with gaps, allowing unsavoury elements to seep through or horrendously diabolical scandals to emerge and disintegrate any trust.
Ultimately, this is the grand undoing. These patterns push us all to own our independence while choosing, with clear eyes, whose opinion, advice or presence actually helps. If you can manage to walk that line—genuine connection without losing yourself—this Sun/Neptune/Node synergy can be a doorway to profound personal growth.
Stop by tomorrow for an EQUINOX/SOLAR ECLIPSE special episode of COSMIC BUS… should be a big hoot! **PLEASE NOTE NEW TIMES (daylight savings for some):
16:00 UTC – 09:00 PDT – 10:00 MDT – 11:00 CDT – 12:00 EDT – 16:00 GMT – 03:00 AEDT – 18:00 SAST – 17:00 CET – 18:00 EET