While MARS is now DIRECT, MERCURY turns RETROGRADE and, together with VENUS in Aries, the two will head slowly back to Pisces.
These are volatile times—we’re now between eclipses—the Pisces SUN approaches the NORTH NODE/NEPTUNE (can it get us any more spiritually sensitive??) and the energetic slump leaves us both emotionally vulnerable, spiritually naked and physically drained.
MARS TRAVELS SLOWLY, and for the remainder of the month locks tightly into a square with CHIRON/ERIS and the reverberating sensations of recognising that prolonged, repeated trauma (e.g., childhood abuse, captivity, domestic violence, abandonment etc) has played a part in harming our deeper identity, provoking emotional, and relational damage caused by long-term trauma. The fight escalates until the ARIES Solar eclipse on March 29.
There’s a lot of MARS-ruled forces here, we’re slipping into a strange, highly flammable period where past, ancestral wounds resurface with a vengeance. These are unstable, raw, emotionally charged days—between eclipses it feels as though the weight of karmic grief, confusion, and spiritual exhaustion is pressing down like a thick fog. The chaos of deep, unhealed trauma—not just personal but collective—is becoming aggravated and inflamed. These transits won’t just poke at individual scars; they rip open the hidden, systemic wounds that have shaped us for years…
Ever been in a fight where you’re battered, bloody, but still swinging because nobody’s there to throw in the towel. Where are those who are supposed to be in your corner?? Well, that’s where we are. These mid-eclipse transits aren’t very supportive. They force us to fight it out alone, to look at the wreckage of our past—the deep-rooted patterns that shaped our fears, our self-doubt, our relationships, our very sense of self. And unlike before, we can’t just power through it. Unfortunately, this time, it’s an inward turning slow burn.
MERCURY Retrograde in Aries-Pisces drags us backwards, forcing us to revisit words and decisions made in survival mode. The thoughts we silenced, the truths we refused to see, the realities we painted over just to function. Denial stops working now. Everything we’ve repressed—childhood abandonment, past betrayals, failures we buried under self-blame—is clawing its way back to the surface.
MARS squaring Chiron/Eris is the pain of knowing you’ve been wounded and that it still controls you. Chiron in Aries is raw identity trauma—who you are at your core and how pain has shaped that. Eris is here to double down, making sure you don’t look away. Expect anger that feeds ancestral, deeply buried or forgotten wounds to feel freshly sliced open, and a battle between wanting justice and fearing confrontation grips you into a state of fight, flight or freeze mode- probably all three.
VENUS retrograding back into Pisces reminds us just how much our relationships are shaped by past suffering. Love, sex, attraction—it’s all being filtered through a distorted lens of who hurt us, who abandoned us, who told us we weren’t enough. This transit forces us to sit with the hard truth: Are we still chasing validation from the ghosts of our tragically damaged parents? Are we in relationships that mirror those old wounds? Are we maybe playing the same role in different stories?
The SUN conjunct North Node/Neptune—utter exhaustion. The body, mind, and soul are spent. The overwhelm is real, and the impulse to escape into distraction is strong. Pisces energy can be divinely healing or dangerously delusional, and right now, we’re walking the line between breakdown and breakthrough. We might feel everything at once or nothing at all…
Nowhere comfortable. Unfortunately, the mid-eclipse slump isn’t a neat, introspective healing moment where we tie up loose ends with a pretty bow. This becomes a war within ourselves, a fierce battle between what we’ve always known and what we must now face. The past is done knocking—it’s about to kick the door off its hinges, demanding to be processed, understood, and released.
If you’re feeling agitated, lost, irrationally angry, or emotionally unresponsive all at the same time, if old arguments resurface, not because they weren’t resolved, but because you never truly faced what they meant in the first place, then watch it. This is the time that pulls it all to pieces, demanding release.
You could be physically exhausted, your body aching in places you didn’t know held tension. Your body keeps the score with all complex traumas—personal and ancestral. Touy will feel the tidal swell of tribal and national guilt and shame as we approach the Aries eclipse (Mar 29).
Relationships are at a breaking point, either evolving into something honest and true, or shattering under the weight of hidden resentment, scorn, anger and seething envy.
No, the next two weeks aren’t an easy transit, and it isn’t fair, but it is necessary. If the past is still shaping your present, then it still owns you. These transits are here to break the spell, to show you what’s been running the show behind the scenes. It’s ugly, it’s brutal, and it’s the last round of a fight you never wanted to be in.
Oh, and here’s the thing: This time, you aren’t the same person who was first thrown into the ring. You’ve survived too much to let the past dictate how this ends. Whether you like it or not, this is your moment to reclaim yourself, by yourself, for yourself.
Now get in there and fight…
These personal messages are here to help:
Word for word what I’m currently going through. I was just speaking to my best friend about it all, and moments later began reading this. Spirit decided it was the time! I needed your words way more than you could know! You’ve been my favorite astrologer for almost 10 years now, and you only get better. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us 💗