After all the excitement yesterday, the atmosphere is dank heavy with tension and restless urgency, as the SUN grinds against SATURN and then fuses with PLUTO—a harsh mix of external frustrations and potently progressive undercurrents. Old insecurities resurface just as we’re being forced to confront deeply ingrained power dynamics, both in our inner world and in our closest ties. Conversations risk turning raw, especially when MERCURY squares CHIRON, triggering painful truths and long-suppressed wounds. By the time the Scorpio Moon clashes against the Aquarian Sun, the toxic emotional intensity is utterly wasted upon cold intellectual detachment. The mood is equal parts claustrophobic and catalytic, forcing clarity through bitter conflict, finally illuminating what we can’t keep ignoring.

We live in interesting times…

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These horoscopes will put you in the picture and guide you out to next Tuesday’s New Moon…

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