“It’s Curtain Time”: The FULL MOON at 23°53′ Gemini, Sunday, December 15, 2024, 09:02 UTC

Greetings, fellow travellers,

After a spell of being under the weather with a particularly diabolical stomach virus, and then the flu, I’m delighted to report that I’m back to full strength, energised, and thrilled to return to doing what I love most—working with clients, hosting the Cosmic Bus, and presenting these articles that I hope you find both insightful and inspiring. Your support has always meant the world to me, and if you feel called to deepen your connection to this work, now’s the perfect time to subscribe to the tribe. We’re launching a more extensive membership format, with exciting privileges that I can’t wait to share with you. I look very forward to keep exploring the stars together!

Now, at the crux of this Sunday’s lunation, we will experience the Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Sun lock eyes across the sky, each luminary lighting up opposing ends of a grand axis of thought, meaning, and communication. Leading up to this moment of culmination, we might find ourselves restless and brimming with intellectual energy (Moon in Gemini), yet we simultaneously yearn for a grander mission; a more meaningful purpose by which to guide us (Sun in Sagittarius). Conversations are abuzz all around, whether in your local community or in the online hubs of your preferred Twittersphere, but is all this mental chatter bringing us closer to understanding—or further from the truth?

The Gemini part of us craves diversity of interests, constant mental stimulus: we read voraciously, scroll endlessly, dabble in new skills, connect with friends old and new. Yet such voracious hunger for a variety of input can produce a somewhat superficial engagement, leaving us mentally scattered and indecisive. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius side rallies for sincerity and to integrate all this stuff into some higher purpose, straining to articulate and uphold a moral framework that stands firm against the gale of opinions, half-truths, and propaganda. Yet in aiming for the loftiest ideals, it risks a kind of blunt righteousness, arrogantly oversimplifying what may not be so black-and-white with the force of dogma.

[Image: Ahmed Khalaf]

This tension is heightened by Mercury, the lunation’s ruler, currently stationing direct in Sagittarius and forming a spirited trine to Mars, also retrograde in Leo. The gears of the mind—though recently jammed—begin to move forward again, eager to forge a fresh narrative. But Mars, still moving backward, signals that the actions we take, the causes we champion, and the passions we ignite may need rethinking. It’s as if we are collectively revisiting our convictions to see if they still hold. After all, what good is knowledge (Gemini) without wisdom (Sagittarius)? And how can convictions find their shape if we refuse to examine their roots and consequences?

Neptune’s Great Dissolve: Challenging the Architects of Story

This Full Moon narrative is not just about local skirmishes of intellect and belief; it unfolds under a Neptune in Pisces T-square that simultaneously challenges both Sun and Moon. For well over a decade (2011–2026), Neptune has wafted subliminally through Pisces, dissolving boundaries in the kingdoms of those who disseminate narrative, morality, and truth. Historically, the gatekeepers of knowledge and ethics were hierarchically arranged: the priestly classes and their scribes (during manuscript-based epochs) had a near-monopoly on moral and ethical storytelling, shaping collective belief over the masses with relatively no, or little resistance. This grip loosened with the invention of the printing press, which scattered the seeds of dissenting ideas across a broader public. Later, newspapers, radio, television, and, eventually, the internet incrementally shattered the old centralised models again and again. Each medium introduced fresh, dissenting voices—folks who dared question—cracking open the monoliths of dogma and distributing moral narratives ever more widely. By the time we reached the digital era, namely the dawn of social media—around 2011, exactly when Neptune entered Pisces—the floodgates of information (and disinformation) burst open altogether.

What does Neptune’s presence bring to this Full Moon moment? Neptune removes filters, allowing truths, half-truths, and outright falsehoods to swirl together until we are uncertain which way is up. At its best, Neptune’s influence erodes the old guard’s centralised control over “official” stories, empowering grassroots movements and marginalised voices. We connect psychically and emotionally, crossing cultural and national boundaries at the speed of a mouse click. Yet, at its worst, we lose our bearings entirely, our minds filled with suspicions of conspiracy, struggling to trust institutions—or one another. Are we connecting, or are we drowning in a sea of unverifiable claims? Do we find solace in spiritual insight or escape into delusion, lost in the mired echo chambers of confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking? Such questions weigh heavy on our hearts now, urging us to decide what principles we live by and how we discern reliable information from the cacophonic clamour.

In our personal relationships, this Neptune T-square can manifest as confusion over what is real, who to believe, and how to interpret the signals people send our way. There is much doubt as to whether others are truly on the same plane as us. Or maybe it’s us who have lost the plot. There is certainly evidence of doublespeak and gaslighting. Authentic feelings get tangled up in misunderstood words, triggering old insecurities. Does your partner really mean what they say, or are they too caught up in their own illusory belief systems? Are we ourselves inadvertently constructing stories that serve our prepossessions rather than seeking a shared truth?

Facing the Truth in Ourselves and Others: Relationship Dilemmas

Full Moons always highlight the pointed tension in our relationship dynamics, bringing the internal drama between needs (Moon) and objectives (Sun) out into the open through our interactions. We find ourselves in delicate negotiations here: perhaps we’re trying to reconcile an intellectual approach to intimacy with a deeper longing for trust and conviction. Perhaps our private doubts clash with the public face we present to family, friends, and colleagues. This is a time when our outright sincerity is tested, and communications can become loud, but not necessarily clarifying. There are disputes which, under the Full Moon, can either be reconciled with reason or otherwise become dealbreakers. Who holds the moral high ground? Which facts are beyond dispute, and which “truths” are just carefully crafted illusions?

On top of this, Jupiter, now retrograde in Gemini, further problematises this picture. As ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter’s detriment in Gemini reveals that our grand hopes, once anchored in higher ideals, now flounder in a jumble of conflicting opinions and uncertain or dirty data. By Dec 24, Jupiter’s second square to Saturn in Pisces only adds to the ongoing “happy-sad” social milieu, pinning down our attempts to remain enthusiastic while reality (Saturn) dampens our escapist urges (Pisces). Meanwhile, we must also note the other tensions in the sky, briefly:

These aspects underscore the emotional complexity of our times. In every way, we are forced to untether from the moorings of a hypnotically woven fairy tale that, told often enough, has become too real to be exposed as anything otherwise. Yet, under the hard gaze of a Full Moon, relationship crises erupt as unfiltered truths or illusions surface. We may finally see each other with crystal clear transparency—or become utterly drowned in the sea of confusion. Are we prepared to own our part in the misunderstandings, or do we point fingers and retreat?

Regulating Our Narratives: Saturn Steps In

Against the backdrop of Neptune’s oceanic current, Saturn’s presence in Pisces attempts to provide some semblance of structure. Saturn enters the second half of Pisces, ready to impose some kind of limits on this free-flowing environment. Like a sober librarian stepping into a chaotic bookstore where every shelf is jumbled, Saturn wants to place some guardrails, a quiet call for discernment. Without rejecting the spiritual or imaginative realms Neptune provides, Saturn insists we apply at least a modicum of scrutiny. This is Saturn’s role now: to set a slow drip of credibility into these ever-expanding narrative frameworks, making sure we do not float away entirely into fantasy.

Throughout history, we have seen the central control of moral and ethical frameworks move from ecclesiastical scripture to printing presses, then onto political authorities and mass media conglomerates. Lately, it has fallen to the elite celebrities, newscasters and social influencers to try to sway our way of thinking. In each epoch, the moral authority of presiding high priests has gradually loosened its grip as new technologies gave voice to more individuals. Now, in 2024, social media and its myriad voices on digital forums have functioned as conduits for both profound revelations and pernicious lies. Neptune’s work has been to show us the extremes—how truths and fabrications coexist, how trust can erode when we drown in the deluge of data without a common compass. In a matter of years, Neptune’s Piscean influence has dismantled faith in long-standing institutions, but it has also revealed how we might connect more intimately, bypassing official narratives to discover independent paths of meaning and insight.

[Image: Ahmed Khalaf]

Yet connection without filters can be dangerous. When our partners, friends, and leaders no longer share a common baseline of facts, the stage is set for paranoia, cynicism, and isolation. At the same time, we gain the freedom to craft stories that ring true to our lived experiences rather than having them dictated from on high. These opposite possibilities swirl wildly now, summoning us to shape our own moral compasses. The question becomes: can we maneuver our way through these murky waters and form genuine relationships that honour both the complexity of the world (Gemini) and the need for guiding principles (Sagittarius)? Or do we haplessly surrender to the morass of confusion, the mind-corrupting agents, letting illusions, superstitions and hearsay define our emotional bonds?

Bringing It All Together: A Time of Reconciling or Releasing

At this Full Moon, the narrative tension surrounding our sense of morality is thick. Some personal storylines may come to a head: old unresolved arguments reach a crescendo, forced honesty comes to the fore, or we concede that certain illusions can no longer hold. Those who cannot handle the truth or maniacally evade responsibility are not our friends. We might sense that something must give way—either our reliance on outdated narratives, our clinging to impossible or superficial understandings, or our outright denial of deeper truths.

In relationships, we may find ourselves at cross-intersections: either we integrate our differing perspectives, however skewed, into a richer tapestry of mutual understanding, or we break under the weight of illusions and mistrust. It’s not easy to set aside ego and judgement in the pursuit of clarity. And disillusionment in someone we believed in can be the saddest. Yet to do nothing invites further fragmentation. The aim now is not to crush the other’s viewpoint but to listen with compassion, to reason, and to discern. We must find a balance between curious exploration (Gemini) and earnest dedication to higher principles (Sagittarius). Above all, we must reach a place of faith. Is it time to draw a line under the stories that no longer serve us, or is there a way to revise them, refining both our information gathering and our moral compass? The heart will tell.

As Saturn in Pisces quietly insists, we must learn to channel this Neptunian openness responsibly, without slipping into despair or apathy. If the old structures have truly dissolved, we must build new ones, however modest, that can anchor us. This does not mean returning to old dogmas but rather shaping frameworks that respect both facts and faith, both multiplicity and meaning.

As always, I’ve prepared a series of in-depth horoscope readings for each sign, providing further actionable insights tailored to navigate you through this powerful phase of transformation. No fluff—just raw, cosmic insights to anchor you through the seismic shifts ahead. Much love, and many blessings for the Full Moon xx

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One comment

  1. A particularly poignant and pertinent presentation. Many thanks for helping us march through the mud, towards a beckoning shore.