Chill-defined affections, questionable connections, overspending, and romantic illusions really plague matters this week. With the VENUS jammed between the Sadge SUN/Piscean NEPTUNE square, it’s easy to over-idealise people and situations, or to try and fill in the gaping emotional void with superficial fixes and flagrant little sophistries. Avoiding the inevitable is so dumb, but there’s a reluctance to do the ‘right’ thing, whatever that is.

Only you know what’s right.
Or do you?
You don’t know shit…
how can you? Nobody knows.
Or do they??

So yeah, creative endeavours feel stymied, mired behind a haze of self-doubt and uncertainty, while mixed signals in love and money sully the stream so badly, you won’t know your ass from your elbow.

Still, there’s a quiet but genuine call to move on: rein in your impulses, regain confidence in yourself, and trust that inner compass to guide you. Turning inward, setting realistic goals, and facing your insecurities—rather than running from them—will help you cultivate a more honest, balanced understanding of who you are and what you need from others, if you need them at all.

… might need these:

Sexually, the intellectual force of this transit might make you deny your own natural desires, making you believe you’re above them.

You’re not.

The ideology of abstinence turns honest lust into forced “purity” that’s not true purity at all—just fear of fucking up. Whilst you may have your reasons for holding out, instead of letting yourself enjoy some real passion, you hide behind fake chastity. It’s like those old philosophers and holier-than-thou types who jerked off alone, calling it “celibacy.”

Stop kidding yourself.

Own your wants.

Love, under Venus in Aquarius, becomes a daring experiment in freedom, intellectual expression, and radical authenticity…