As the Sun reaches the anaretic degree of Libra (29º), it delivers one last square to Pluto in Capricorn, marking the final act of a cycle that began in 2008 when Pluto first entered the authoritarian structures of Capricorn. For over a decade, Pluto has relentlessly excavated the archaic systems and norms that underpin societal hierarchies, especially those relating to power, status, and responsibility. Now, as we face the culmination of these energies, the stage is set for a seismic confrontation between Libra’s obsession with social harmony and Capricorn’s steadfast grip on institutional control. This moment in the Sun-Pluto cycle, a third-quarter square, poses a question that may leave many unsettled: is this the beginning of the end for “woke” culture?
In the wake of Pluto’s transformative march through Capricorn, our collective relationship to authority and prestige has undergone a slow disintegration. Institutions that once stood as unassailable markers of respectability have either been fiercely defended or systematically dismantled. This unravelling has forced people to extreme positions—either fully embracing traditional values or rejecting them outright, leaving little middle ground. Capricorn’s blueprint for success—built on endurance, status, and rigid social roles—has been deeply questioned by Pluto’s excavation, stripping away its polished exterior and exposing the often vacuous core beneath. What we now see is the debris of these long-held ideals, with increasing disillusionment towards societal standards that once seemed unshakeable.
Amidst this, Libra’s frantic need to be proper, politically correct, and socially acceptable persists. As the Sun sits at the final degree of this sign, it embodies Libra’s last-ditch, desperate attempt to maintain its veneer of grace, virtue, and performative alliances, even as those very efforts seem to be unravelling before our eyes. This square to Pluto signals the death knell of the old game, where external approval and the alignment with social movements—often for the sake of preserving one’s own position—are wielded as tools for power. Libra’s darker tendencies—superficial harmony, obsession with appearances, and compulsive codependency—are now being ruthlessly exposed by Pluto’s demand for truth and authenticity.
The mix of Libra’s propriety and Capricorn’s censorious nature has, over time, fused into the most egregious form of social admonishment—what we’ve come to call “cancel culture.” What began as a collective push for accountability has been warped into a culture of public shaming, where social graces and virtue signalling are weaponised as a means of social control. The relentless pursuit of political correctness, not out of genuine conviction but out of fear of reprimand, has turned society into a theatre of performative morality. People align with causes, not from the depths of personal belief, but from a desire to avoid the social guillotine.
As Capricorn’s structures collapse, the performative alliances, virtue signalling, and posturing of Libra look increasingly hollow. People aren’t buying it anymore. The social dynamic of “cancelling”—that censorious mechanism where individuals are punished for not aligning with the dominant narrative—has lost its power. Its roots in Capricornian systems of authority, blended with Libra’s need for societal approval, created an environment where conformity was enforced through public humiliation. Yet Pluto’s stripping away of the façade reveals the growing disconnect between outward behaviour and inner reality.
Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has been about laying bare the truth. Layer by layer, it has peeled away the masks, revealing uncomfortable truths about how we operate within these societal frameworks. It’s a confrontation not just with social structures, but with the very performance of virtue that has dominated the Libra ethos. The third-quarter square is a crisis point in this Sun-Pluto cycle—a moment where the hollowness of these performances becomes undeniable, and the cracks in the social game are exposed.
For those who have built their identities on performative alliances or virtue signalling, this moment is deeply uncomfortable. It’s a reckoning, where the ability to maintain one’s social standing through performance collapses. In the shadow of Pluto’s uncompromising gaze, no amount of charm, diplomacy, or moral posturing can conceal the truth. The veneers that once sufficed—aligning with the latest social movements, outward displays of virtue—are now stripped away. Libra, with its endless pursuit of external validation, finds itself confronted by Capricorn’s harsher, more authentic demands: where do you stand when the social games are over?
Coinciding with this is the South Node’s final run through Libra, punctuated by the eclipses of this period, which serves as a karmic reckoning of Libra’s most negative expressions. The South Node urges us to release those toxic traits—codependency, the fear of disapproval, the compulsion to mould oneself to fit the prevailing narrative for fear of rejection. These eclipses, aligned with the tail end of Pluto in Capricorn, seem almost prophetic, pushing us to abandon the superficial and self-serving aspects of Libra that have kept us from true transformation.
At 29º Libra, there is a frantic energy—a last, desperate attempt to hold onto the crumbling status quo. It’s the final push to milk the social game for all it’s worth, throwing everything at the wall in a futile attempt to maintain control. But as Pluto prepares to leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius, the shift is palpable. The game, as we’ve known it, is over. Performative morality, political correctness for the sake of appearance, and the wielding of social alliances to maintain one’s position are becoming irrelevant in the face of a demand for truth. The censoriousness of “cancel culture” is on its last legs, as the structures that upheld it lose their grip on collective consciousness.
This clash between Libra and Capricorn—between social propriety and institutional authority—marks the end of an era where outward appearances held more weight than inner truth. As we prepare to enter a new phase, one that will see the Sun-Pluto square shift into fixed signs, the battle will no longer be about performance versus structure, but a deeper, more enduring confrontation between personal values and collective transformation. Those who relied on performative measures to stay relevant will find themselves increasingly irrelevant as the demand for depth, truth, and authenticity becomes the new standard of power. For those clinging to the old ways, the disappointment will be swift and complete, as the era of façades gives way to disillusionment and the stark reality that remains.
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