There are some really lovely transits this week amid some pretty ordinary ones. The relationship theme stays strong, and as we transmute toward a more authentic, heart-centred way of relating—dispensing with phoney pleasantries and half-truths—we must stay mindful of why a bit of diplomacy, or at least politeness, can still be necessary. Things remain volatile, and raw, open, honest communication can feel overwhelming, especially with Chiron taking several hits.
Be super cautious. While raw honesty can be healing, it can also be utterly crushing if wielded carelessly. The balance lies in finding a way to speak from the heart without compromising the other person’s dignity. CHIRON’s wound reminds us that, regardless of how sharp or polished our words, the real work is in how we allow ourselves to be fully present, even in uncomfortable situations. MERCURY opposing in Libra, is here to refine this honesty—delivering it in a way that doesn’t strip away others’ agency but instead invites a more genuine dialogue.
And as the week progresses, it only gets more intense. Relationships might feel the sting, but if you face the discomfort with courage; if you remain committed to showing up, there’s every opportunity to dissolve barriers and build something more resilient and meaningful.
Ouch, (please)…