[image: cooper_ph]

I’m watching this super tense Mars period with much interest, careful of how I get involved. In many ways, we’re facing a situation that threatens to drag us backwards, pulling us into those old, familiar emotional trenches we thought we’d already crawled out of. Mars in Cancer’s infantile snatch keeps tugging us toward that primal need for security, locking us into old fights to stay safe. It’s like a gravitational pull to the safety of the womb—back to the mother’s domain, where emotions rule and breaking free feels like a threat. We’re actually battling the temptation to slip into regression, to let ourselves sink into that protective cocoon of emotional safety, but it’s a trap.

This square between Mars and Eris extends beyond those age-old fights resurfacing; it’s about that struggle with clutching to our comforts and security blanket while still wanting to tear down whatever confines and stagnates true evolutionary progress. Problem is, when you cling too hard to emotional security, you end up blaming the world for the way things are, thinking it’s someone else’s fault that you’re not free. You point fingers at the system, the past, or those who hurt you, slinging mud, name-calling, waiting for someone to come in and fix it all, instead of seeing how you’re letting your own fear of chaos keep you in stuck in your circle of pain.

Chaos is inevitable. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security based on one or two things that you feel are currently holding it down for you.

The rule here—the thing to remember is—it’s not weak to acknowledge your emotions, not at all. Letting yourself feel, surrendering to that feminine energy doesn’t mean slipping into regressive actions to defend it. It’s time to fully embrace your vulnerable feminine self, respect that part of you that feels deeply. You don’t have to suppress your emotions to move forward. Nor do you have to crush or deny the emotions of others. It’s about holding the tension between your need for security and smashing through limitations (read that again), knowing that real freedom comes when you integrate both sides. Tough? Yeah… but that’s the real fight here.

We’re coming up to Mars’ first opposition with Pluto, a concerted battle of our most gentle self against the old dark face of patriarchy….

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