Latest Horoscopes for the Cosmic Tribe

Empowering Horoscope Messages & Intentions

Read both your Sun & Rising sign for a comprehensive review of the current influences around this lunation.

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September 11, 2024

ARIES: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “You are the warrior of the zodiac, used to meeting challenges head-on, solving problems through sheer force of will. But here, in the depths of the twelfth house, that strategy won’t suffice. Pisces energy requires…”
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

TAURUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “While you typically prefer to anchor yourself in what’s tangible and stable, this eclipse urges you to release your hold on certainty. The energy flowing through Pisces seeks to…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

GEMINI: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “This eclipse, however, doesn’t just ask what you’re achieving in the world—it digs beneath the surface, into the emotional and spiritual significance of what you’re striving for. There is…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

CANCER: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “This isn’t about dismantling everything you hold dear, but rather about gently and necessarily dissolving the illusions that have kept you from seeing the bigger picture. Neptune’s influence, so close to this eclipse, acts as both a…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

LEO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “While you may prefer to keep certain aspects of yourself polished and on display, this moment compels you to explore the cracks beneath the surface. It’s about emotional baggage—what you’ve hidden away out of…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

VIRGO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “This eclipse challenges you to stop analysing every detail and start feeling your way through the messiness of human connection. It’s no longer enough to offer practical solutions; what’s being asked of you now is…”
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

LIBRA: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “The messy, unseen parts of yourself—the doubts, the fears, the suppressed desires—can no longer be ignored. They are bubbling up, refusing to be contained. You’ve been so focused on keeping up appearances that you’ve neglected the quieter, more introspective…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

SCORPIO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “The eclipse brings a focus to your relationship with spontaneity and play, areas you might find hard to let go into without a purpose or outcome. You may have used your creative energy as a…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

SAGITTARIUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “…now the spotlight turns inward, toward home, family, and the emotional anchors that ground you—or, in some cases, have been weighing you down. There’s an invitation here to sit with the emotions you’ve ignored, to confront the parts of your personal…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

CAPRICORN: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “You may find that your mind wants to nail things down, to categorise and rationalise, but that things aren’t fitting as neatly as you’d like. The patterns of communication you’ve relied on, whether with others or within your own mind, are being…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

AQUARIUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “The old markers of achievement and success may start to feel insubstantial, like you’ve outgrown the values you once held firmly. What’s emerging in their place is harder to define, but it’s less tethered to external validation and…
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024

PISCES: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Excerpt: “You are being asked to look at yourself with a clear, unblinking gaze—not to critique, but to understand. There’s no judgment here, only an opportunity to connect with the deeper parts of your being that have often…”
September 11, 2024


  1. [Aye aye aye, I barely survive the previous one before another is here..!].
    Wondering, can you break the power of a curse?…

  2. Yes I can feel this icky sticky stuff
    thanks. Ang great report 🤗

  3. Beautifully written as always and highly articulate in delivery & accuracy 👏

  4. You see, Ang – this is where I think you’re missing out on the significance of Sedna moving out of Taurus into Gemini, trine Pluto straddling Capricorn/Aquarius. There is not just an archetypal crucifixion going on here – there’s a compensatory resurrection as well! I don’t understand how someone as archetypally tuned in as yourself can ignore Sedna. The story of this Innuit goddess is all about the regenerative power of trauma, and she is now rising from 30+ years of being Earth-bound into airy Gemini. How is that not a big deal???

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