[art: Akira Kusaka]

Now, with the SUN EXITING LEO, it’s time to drop the phony heroics and big talk because things are about to get serious. If you’re still tangled in Leo’s chest-pounding drama, childish games, and bluster, be ready—someone’s about to call your bluff. The universe is set on finding out if you’re being genuine, at least with yourself.

The Sun now activates that Yod, the “Finger of God,” formed by Neptune and Pluto. Cosmic pressure’s off the charts. This is not your average fleeting moment—expect a major crisis or turning point that forces you to confront deep-seated fears, illusions, and power struggles. A life-defining decision is on the horizon, and it’s time to ask if you’re being real with yourself.

As the Sun moves into Virgo, it meets Regulus, the kingmaker. The universe might pop you an offer you can’t refuse. The question is: do you have what it takes to rise to the occasion? This moment commands all the integrity, refinement, and devotion you can muster.

This is not a test.

Still in the throes of that T-square, now activated by the Venus/Mars partile, also, the Aries Moon over the North Node only amplifies the call to action, and there’s a hive of other crisis points, as discussed here…

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