On Pluto Leaving Aquarius

image: Jason Palmer

The ongoing struggle to reconcile Jupiter’s boundless enthusiasm with Saturn’s disciplined reality checks will dominate the coming months, as our aspirations for growth and prosperity clash with deep-seated fears of stagnation. These contrasting emotions, often viewed as personal dilemmas, are inextricably linked to the broader societal tensions that shape our collective sense of success or failure. As Pluto retrogrades back into Saturn-ruled Capricorn in a few days, it will occupy the critical final degree for the next ten weeks, symbolically driving the last nail into the coffin of our enduring struggles with patriarchal power and authoritarianism. This transit, occurring alongside Saturn’s weakening retrograde through Pisces, heralds the end of an era, paving the way for Pluto’s return to Aquarius on November 19.

Pluto’s brief incursion into Aquarius has exposed us to a disquieting shift toward a future dominated by digital and biotechnological control. If you’ve missed it, that’s because Pluto operates in the shadows, covertly corroding and corrupting established power structures. In Aquarius, however, Pluto’s most insidious power is its ability to dismantle long-standing networks of power, and we are already witnessing how manipulative, faction-driven propaganda is replacing traditional party ideologies and collective notions of class, gender, race, and creed, in a sense reconstructing a whole new system of mass conformity. Society is being reshaped into a landscape where carefully constructed illusions, coercively instilled into the collective psyche, substitute genuine, down-to-earth hope. For example, the working class, whose once-powerful unions were the backbone of social progress, is now reduced to a relic. Even the very concept of employment itself, along with the ability to elect leaders through democratic means, is dissipating in a new paradigm where power is concentrated in the hands of a select few secret party operatives. We stand on the edge of neo-feudalism, where the masses are subtly manipulated, cajoled and subjugated into state dependency and digital control, and the future of democracy appears ominously bleak.

As the obsession with equality takes on a more sinister edge, social reform is no longer about empowering the people but about enforcing a rigid ideological conformity. The state, under the guise of promoting fairness, has fractured society into competing factions, each bound by narrowly defined group identities. These divisions serve to distract and divide, making it easier for those in power to maintain control. The dream of progress has been hijacked, and what was once a fight for justice now feeds the machinery of selective dissemination of ideas, censorship and crowd-imposed control. But beneath the surface of this enforced equality lies a deeper fear—that in our quest for fairness, we have sacrificed the very essence of what it means to be free.

Our youth, caught in the crossfire of this transition, are being groomed by algorithms that dictate their beliefs, interests, and even their identities. These algorithms, marketed as tools of free expression and personalisation, are, in reality, mechanisms of control, isolating the young into echo chambers that reinforce the state’s narrative. The idea of a shared, collective future has been replaced by isolated digital tribes, each alienated from differing tribes as carefully managed as a microcosm of the larger dystopia.

Yet fear not. Amid this bleak landscape, there is a flicker of resistance—a reminder that not all is lost.

While the path ahead is fraught with danger, the human spirit remains resilient and indomitable. The very forces that seek to control and suppress could inadvertently spark a new form of resistance, born from the realisation that our shared humanity is worth defending. In the face of this encroaching digital dystopia, there is still hope that we might reclaim our future, find the strength and power to redefine progress on our own terms and rebuild a world where freedom and individuality can flourish once again. The outcome is not predetermined ( I would look to the Pluto in Scorpio—the “hacker generation”—to contest it all); it remains up to us to decide whether this transition will culminate in darkness or if we will find a way to forge a new path toward the light.

Retrograde Pluto will re-enter Capricorn on Sep 2, 2024, turning direct at 29º38′ on October 12 before returning to Aquarius on November 19.

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Ang Stoic is renowned for his empathetic, personalized approach and in-depth astrological knowledge. A specialist in navigating major life transitions, Ang has helped countless individuals deal with career changes, relationship issues, Saturn returns, midlife crises, and other significant milestones. With his penetrating insights and warm, personable guidance, Ang empowers you to transform even the most challenging moments into opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and personal development.

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to write and post articles…even though I too am an astrologer, I always find something new within your writings….

  2. Oh no! I wonder what that might mean for the American Presidential Election which takes place on November 5?

  3. Since I’m a Capricorn I was happy to read this and found that it may or may not be something I will look forward too! LOL I do follow you on Facebook but don’t see this particular article there to share with friends. Thank you for your works, much appreciated!