[image: Samuli Heimonen]

SUN enters Leo, and we jump out of the frying pan and into the fire…


JULY 21-23—SUDDEN ENERGY SHIFT: In the past 48 hours, Mars shifted into the more facetious Gemini, loosening up the stubborn, unyielding Taurus energy of the past two months. A somewhat humbled Sun (☉ △ ♆) now in his fiery domicile of Leo, commands his swift chariot to traverse his kingdom, spreading his hegemony through sharp and incisive words. His first challenge (JULY 23) is a direct encounter with the darkly powerful spokesperson of an opposing force, a vast, hypnotised mob under Pluto’s influence, who has managed to permeate the collective (hive) mind and possess (zombify) its soul.

♀ ∗ ♃ | ☿ □ ♅ | ☉ △ ♆ | ♂ △ ♇ | ☉ in ♌ | ☉ ☍ ♇

JULY 28—3rdQMOON at 05°♉32′: Battle of personalities that won’t budge produces power struggles and ego conflicts; prioritising comfort and stability; intense focus on goals; handling setbacks and disappointments; balancing external validation with inner contentment; tapping into wisdom and creativity through collaboration; maintaining inner peace despite challenges; learning leadership with flexibility.

⚷ S℞ | ♀ ⊼ ♄ | ☿ ⊼ ♇ | ☽ □ ☉ | ♀ △ ⚷

AUGUST 4—LEO NEW MOON at 12°♌34′: Double fixed fire—damn that’s hot! Bright, overbearingly intense heat, but then, how else do you make a point. Leo will not let us get away without making us squirm, swelter, sweat it. VENUS enters Virgo and with MERCURY also stationing to retrograde at 04°♍06’Rx (Aug 5) at the apex of another ♆/♇ yod, this time becomes a baptising purifier for all that is true, incinerating all that is phoney and lacking integrity.

♂ ∠ ⚷ | ♀ □ ♅ | ☽ ☌ ☉ | ♀ ⊼ ♆ | ♀ in ♍ | ☿ S℞ | ♀ ⊼ ♇

AUGUST 12—1stQMOON at 20°♏24′: Intense competitions; true motivations masked under a playful exterior; bluffing to get the upper hand; a feeling of secretiveness and protectiveness; a serious approach to life; bold pursuit of master plans; desire for comfort, authority, and control; struggles with stubbornness and rigidity; poor handling of low-stress threshold; attraction to finance and competition; frustration of creative desires. With ♂/♃ Sqq ♇ all hell’s about to bust loose, won’t take but a mere insult.

☿ ☌ ♀ | ☽ □ ☉ | ♂ ☌ ♃ Sqq ♇

AUGUST 19—FULL MOON at 27°♒15‘: literally the worst day ever, seriously. Why? will explain on the next bus stop, but everything is at a state of hypertension, so brace yourselves (and stay tuned).

♂ □ ♄ | ☿ □ ♅ | ☿ ☌ ☉ | ♀ □ ♃ | ♀ ☍ ♄ | ☉ □ ♅ | ♃ □ ♄ | ☉ ⊼ ♆ | ☉ ⊼ ♇ | ♀ □ ♂


Ang brings an inimitable brilliance, warmth, earthy humour and profoundly intuitive vision into his 30 years of experience as a practitioner of astrology and cosmobiology, philosopher and executive coach, providing an always fascinating presentation, live, unscripted and not to be missed if you are fascinated by what is currently occurring on this planet.

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✨ Services Offered:

  • Comprehensive Chart Reading
  • Shamanic Life Reading
  • Transit/Progression Update
  • Solar Return
  • Relationship Synastry/Composite
  • Relocation AstroCartoGraphy
  • Electional Chart Reading
  • Mentoring & Guidance Program

Ang Stoic is renowned for his empathetic, personalized approach and in-depth astrological knowledge. A specialist in navigating major life transitions, Ang has helped countless individuals deal with career changes, relationship issues, Saturn returns, midlife crises, and other significant milestones. With his penetrating insights and warm, personable guidance, Ang empowers you to transform even the most challenging moments into opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and personal development.

✨ Get more information and book your session here.