Completion of the United States Pluto Return

As the United States completes its Pluto return, the fate of an empire’s struggles with power and corruption comes full circle, echoing the historical tyranny reverberating through the fabric of its society. The nation, once a champion against patriarchal oppression, now mirrors the very despotism it fought to overthrow at its inception. The US government today blends the absolutism of Louis XVI with the authoritarianism of George III, with its masses largely entranced under the hypnotic glaze that they possess any degree of constitutional freedom. A full revolution is looming among the few who see the fallacy.

This transformation has gone largely unnoticed because modern US imperialism is covert, unlike the overt tyranny of past empires. In fact, it is subtly hidden under the guise of gender and race issues, more so than the unsettling economic and class divisions. Its Western allies, who modelled themselves on this idea of “liberty” aren’t far behind. The 20th century saw the rise of this covert imperialism, with leaders like Wilson and Roosevelt deploying industrial-scale propaganda to drag the American public into war. And, just as an addict needs to ever-increasingly up the dosage to get the same high, the propaganda fed to the US populace has evolved into outright psychological warfare.

By Pluto’s half-revolution (1936-1937), Hollywood moguls, organised crime oligarchs, and powerful media tycoons had infiltrated the United States, taking control of the narrative and influencing government through lobbying, senate bribery and electioneering. Pluto’s demonic force had subtly embedded itself into the American psyche as the alluring but ultimately deceptive “American Dream”.

By the time Pluto completed one full revolution (2021-2022), the US found itself in a similar position of corruption and betrayal that led up to its inception in 1776. With the infantilising lockdown of an entire nation like an overbearing mother, followed by the aggressive marketing of a faulty medical product the US government had come full circle with hypocrisy. What was to follow is now a history we are all part of. Much like Luther’s criticism of the Catholic Church’s corruption in 1517-18 (incidentally, the last time Pluto was conjunct Saturn in Capricorn) the US government professes ideals it betrays in practice, mirroring the Catholic Church’s toxic duplicity. It is this betrayal of foundational principles that has led to this systemic rot, the psychological decay of its identity that we witness today.

In astrological/cosmobiological terms, the Pluto return signals how covert US imperialism has been so suppressed into the collective unconscious that it cannot see itself. Without healthy expression, it manifests as societal mania. Freud and Jung taught us that what is repressed returns as unrelated psychoses. Thus, we witness the nation’s current state as resembling a deranged patient, with its repressed imperialism surfacing as widespread madness. The astrologer/cosmobiologist’s task is to recognise this phenomenon, though few seem capable of doing so impartially. The whole nation appears possessed, ready to explode with projections. Indeed, the task for the entire nation is to unpack these psychoses and trace them back to their source. But how do you heal a nation gone entirely mad?

The root of America’s turmoil lies in its foundational rejection of patriarchal tyranny and imperialism, yet it has morphed into an imperialist patriarchal power, driven by its elites who perpetuate this condition through relentless gaslighting. Until this fundamental issue is addressed and a way is found to amend it, expect the collective unconscious to continue busting out in ever-increasing levels of chaos and disarray.

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  1. Now analyze the disgusting french Olympics opening ceremony and EU agenda. Where the fck does Pluto come in to play there? Oh, yeah! Lets say it is the grand opening of its “Aquarian” fcking nature”. Destroy humans with its mind-fuck. The EU is really showing its true face and agenda there, starting with France, Brussel and Germany. If those countries are not demonized already I don’t know what is.

  2. the “few who see” that you refer to THINK they see. fact is nobody is seeing the real source.

    Till there’s a god that needs a satan for his existence, the god-satan cycle of replacing each other will continue.

    the shadow is not something that’s suppressed. shadow is something that’s out in the open but is denied and refused by the ‘seeing’.

    if pluto is there, seen as bringing out the dark, there will always be dark that we willneed pluto to bring out.

  3. A very concise picture of the current mess in my beloved USA!

  4. Enantiodromia, “the tendency of things to change into their opposites, especially as a supposed governing principle of natural cycles and of psychological development.” I’m tired of the extremes, boss