“A Dark Turn of Affairs”: VENUS-PLUTO OPPOSITION

Every once in a while, intensely strong feelings of love and hate get the better of us, making us lose control of where we invest our affection and where we withhold it. Venus has just blazed into Leo, indicating how our prevailing needs for love and a sense of specialness are now imbued with a flamboyant, dramatic flair. For the next three weeks, the craving for admiration and acknowledgment will be rife, often through grandiose yet warm-hearted gestures. Social gatherings and parties become centre stage, where Venus in Leo showcases where loyalty shines and betrayal cuts deep.

This extends beyond interpersonal relationships; it’s a reflection of the current socio-political climate as well. Leo prefers to be the kingpin, and even Venus nobs her chest out and forehead back, expecting to be crowned and worshipped.

Meanwhile, Pluto, currently retrograding out of Aquarius, has spent the last six months in a subtle, sly campaign to dismantle these outdated syndicates, cliques, societal systems and party norms. Pluto will have his way, possessing us all with the hidden desire to rattle centralised authority and amass the collective passions of the hive mind toward a group-minded responsibility and a demand for more ethical, egalitarian leadership. This spells trouble for the typically self-aggrandising Leo types.

Over the next twenty years, social conventions will be thoroughly and completely upended in favour of something completely innovative and fresh. Widespread striving for individualism and the gradual breakdown of rigid class and group distinctions mean that elite systems will be utterly disintegrated. This period will progressively corrode all manner of convention, forcing us to confront and adopt more unorthodox bonds and ties, avant-garde and utopian ideas, and radically eccentric people.

This transit takes us into the freak zone, where some will feel confronted by the proliferation of rainbow freak flags, while others will be completely hypnotised, inducted into the raging cult of performative alliances. Whether by hook or by crook, our perspectives on equality, diversity, and inclusivity will broaden. Now, at this moment, as Venus opposes retrograde Pluto, a powerful and dark magnetic pull charges the atmosphere. This VENUS-PLUTO opposition is a turning point, exposing the deep fractures in our sociopolitical relationships. It lays bare the phoney bravado and self-aggrandising behaviour of those clawing to be noticed and clamouring for central positions.

Venus’s unabashed entitlement against Pluto’s campaign to transform groupthink ideology produces a bold, seemingly reckless drive to manipulate the individual to pick the winning side. In the political arena, dramatic, passionate debates will ensue as leaders and groups vie for recognition and power. Superficial charm and insincerity will be exposed, both in personal connections and among public figures. This period disrupts materialistic and power-hungry pursuits, challenging societal values and pushing for more profound and meaningful change.

The opposition brings emotional turbulence, turning relationships and political alliances into bitter power struggles. The destructive aspects of control and dominance will play out in real-time, both personally and globally. Losses and upheavals—emotional, material, and political—will force a brutal reevaluation of our values and priorities. With the approaching MARS-URANUS conjunction, we can expect sudden shifts that can leave irreparable ruptures. The fallout from these power struggles will be significant, leaving lasting scars and reshaping the landscape of personal and political relationships.

Ultimately, this opposition marks a turning point in our affairs—a crucible, burning away the dross to expose a more authentic, if painful, reality. It challenges us to see beyond the superficial, to confront the dark underbelly of our desires and ambitions, and to emerge transformed, with a deeper understanding of power, love, and societal values.

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  • Comprehensive Chart Reading
  • Shamanic Life Reading
  • Transit/Progression Update
  • Solar Return
  • Relationship Synastry/Composite
  • Relocation AstroCartoGraphy
  • Electional Chart Reading
  • Mentoring & Guidance Program

Ang Stoic is renowned for his empathetic, personalized approach and in-depth astrological knowledge. A specialist in navigating major life transitions, Ang has helped countless individuals deal with career changes, relationship issues, Saturn returns, midlife crises, and other significant milestones. With his penetrating insights and warm, personable guidance, Ang empowers you to transform even the most challenging moments into opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and personal development.

✨ Get more information and book your session here.

One comment

  1. How does Pluto know anything about societal systems and party norms? It is not even human…