It's not just you. We're all feeling it on some level, each somewhat incapable of facing responsibilities as next week's Capricorn Full Moon draws near. The Neptune T-square is blurring reality from fantasy, fact from fiction, muddying the waters so much that perceptions get clouded by personal bias and fanciful thinking.

As we approach the Solstice, we seem caught in the riptide of emotional chaos and escapism, a pervasive confusion which can only lead to conflict and a tendency to avoid accountability. But, does it really have to be? How can we stop kidding ourselves, get grounded and face reality head-on? Do we even want to?? Is there really such a thing as 'reality' anyway?

Join us here on Cosmic Bus to dive into these astrological challenges and how to navigate them. Don't miss it; we’ll make sense of this cosmic mess together (or at least die laughing about it!)

Enjoy this short snippet (members, login below to view the entire 70-minute discourse):

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