Latest Horoscopes for the Cosmic Tribe

Empowering Horoscope Messages & Intentions

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July 19, 2024

ARIES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “This lunation not only underscores the culmination of your Tenth House issues but also reflects harshly the impact of any unresolved fears and dependencies still lurking within your domestic sphere. It asks if you have your house in…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

TAURUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “…where innovation and forward-thinking become your guiding principles. This transition marks the end of an era and the beginning of a profound transformation that will redefine your societal role…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

GEMINI: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “…pushing you towards a more open, progressive view of morality and ethics. This placement fosters a deep, introspective journey, compelling you to confront and dismantle any dogmatic or fanatical…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

CANCER: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “..highlighting the need to release old patterns of fear and dependency. It signals a foreboding of what lies ahead, urging you to leave behind outdated relational dynamics and prepare for the deep, transformative work of the Eighth…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

LEO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “This moment reflects not only what you must leave behind—years of intense self-scrutiny and the relentless pursuit of competence—but also what lies ahead: a new landscape of relationships and societal engagement that challenges you…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

VIRGO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “This shift is beginning to manifest in your Aquarian Sixth House—the taskmaster’s workshop, where the relentless grindstone sharpens your daily existence. Pluto’s presence here will be felt profoundly through health or the lack thereof. This placement forces you to…”
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

LIBRA: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “Over the past 15 years, you have encountered intense power struggles, particularly with maternal figures, dealing with ancestral secrets and curses and embroiled in all kinds of conspiracies and manipulative dynamics. This transit…”
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

SCORPIO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “Reflect on the formidable power struggles and intense domestic dynamics that have shaped your communication style and how you think over these years. This period is a chance to reassess and transform how you express…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

SAGITTARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “You may have experienced significant financial and material hardships, which reflect a deeper need to take control of your well-being. This is a time for introspection, to recognise that true value and satisfaction come from within, not merely from external possessions….
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

CAPRICORN: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “This period has been marked by a series of rebirths, where old identities and perceptions have died, giving way to new, more resilient versions of yourself. The transition of Pluto between Capricorn and Aquarius signifies a shift from personal transformation to…”
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

AQUARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “Pluto’s presence in your sign amplifies an intense self-awareness, prompting a profound confrontation with your identity and the way you project yourself. This transit is not just a superficial shift but a deep, regenerative process compelling you to…
July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

PISCES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “…revealing the hidden, often repressed aspects of your psyche and how these sometimes fail to tune into the collective spirit. Everyone has days of poor transmission. But there are also times when your coverage is bang on. This transit seeks…
July 19, 2024


  1. [Aye aye aye, I barely survive the previous one before another is here..!].
    Wondering, can you break the power of a curse?…

  2. Yes I can feel this icky sticky stuff
    thanks. Ang great report 🤗

  3. Beautifully written as always and highly articulate in delivery & accuracy 👏

  4. You see, Ang – this is where I think you’re missing out on the significance of Sedna moving out of Taurus into Gemini, trine Pluto straddling Capricorn/Aquarius. There is not just an archetypal crucifixion going on here – there’s a compensatory resurrection as well! I don’t understand how someone as archetypally tuned in as yourself can ignore Sedna. The story of this Innuit goddess is all about the regenerative power of trauma, and she is now rising from 30+ years of being Earth-bound into airy Gemini. How is that not a big deal???

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