Uranus Goes Direct at 23º Taurus 15′ Taurus

All the stream that’s roaring by
Came out of a needle’s eye;
Things unborn, things that are gone,
From the needle’s eye still goad it on.

—W. B. Yeats

Uranus in Taurus has been one massive cosmic jolt over these last few months, specifically the retrograde period from 1 September 2024 (27º Taurus 15′) to 30 January 2025 (23º Taurus 15′). You’ve likely spent this time feeling as though the floorboards underneath your feet were rippling like a rickety funhouse ride. There’s been a tense, internal quiver, as if someone rammed an icepick through the forehead of your preconceived notions of stability. Taurus wants safety, comfort, predictable outcomes. Uranus is the mad professor who storms in with a cosmic alarm clock, forcing you up at 3 a.m. from dreams you never knew you had, pushing you to see that your so-called “security” might have been one giant illusion all along.

For the past few months, something’s been stirring in the basement—deep in the ‘fuck you’ layers of who you actually are. Not the version you’ve been conditioned into, but the raw, unfiltered you. When Uranus goes retrograde, the veil drops. You stop seeing yourself as just another cog in the machine and start recognising yourself as an entity all your own—one that refuses to play by the rules others prescribed for you. And it’s not just you. Anyone with an ounce of self-awareness has been feeling it, questioning, detaching, and quietly dismantling everything they’re not.

[image: Ahmed Khalaf]

This is not the first time Uranus has cranked it in reverse through Taurus these past years, and it won’t be the last, but you can be sure it’s left some dents in the fortress you called “home.” Consider the retrograde a chance to re-engage parts of yourself you had shelved away—outdated versions of “you” that had grown dustier than an abandoned storeroom. The planet’s backward motion in the sign of material comfort triggered an internal revolution against systems you’d outgrown: reliance on certain routines, relationships, sources of income or saved finances, or those emotional “safehouse” that were stealthily draining you.

During this retrograde, that existential discontent might have shorted like a power surge in your wiring, making you watch your life from a bizarre 4D (present tense) vantage point. Suddenly, you perceived the hollowness of certain attachments, noticing the shallowness of once-chummy friendships, and realising that what felt like your anchor was actually more of a ball and chain. It’s as if you dropped acid behind the bike shed, then emerged to see the world from a vantage point you can’t unsee. You might have felt nervous, edgy, unable to settle. You might have wondered what in the crivvens was the worth of all that. That’s Uranus doing his job: making you see how complacent you’ve become, and how the old deals you brokered with life no longer match the path your spirit is hell-bent on taking. Tings become transparently apparent and your value system alters, as if in a flash.

Yes, it’s unnerving. But it’s also exhilarating when you grasp the freedom on offer. Taurus is about tangibles—money, property, assets. Uranus claps back: none of this is truly permanent. Houses can crumble, investments can vanish overnight, that cushy job can become obsolete thanks to the next wave of tech. The question is: do these potential shake-ups paralyse you with fear or fill you with the adrenaline of innovation? If you’ve got the mettle to pivot, you’re probably relishing this period as a chance to blow the dust off your life’s blueprint and sketch something more daring. If you’re stuck in old illusions, praying for “stability” to remain unchallenged, you might feel like you’re biding time until it all topples.

Truth is, Uranus doesn’t come to scorch the earth without reason. The retrograde was your cosmic R&D phase—time to test new theories, seed new ideas, and examine them before launching. Maybe you’ve discovered a radical insight about your work, or you’ve awakened to the real shape of a relationship. Perhaps you’re contending with the stark reality that what you once valued—status, possessions, even particular people—has lost its lustre under the fluorescent glare of Uranus’ scanning beam. And that’s good. Because you can’t form new paradigms by clinging desperately to the old value systems.

Now that Uranus has turned direct, it’s showtime. The revelations stirred up are nudging you to integrate these fresh perspectives. It’s not enough to just read the script in your head; you need to rewrite the part you play in your own drama. If there’s an internal shift that’s been brewing—about your job, where you live, how you spend money, or whom you choose to share your life with—this is the moment to start enacting it. That might feel like a leap off a cliff, but these leaps are Uranus’ specialty. They break you out of your mental cages and fling open the doors to something you never thought possible.

Spiritually, this retrograde hammered home one vital lesson: your liberation isn’t just about you. That’s the big cosmic twist. The symbol for Uranus, inverted, shows the two soul crescents bending closer to earth, reminding you that part of your mission is to break free collectively, not just individually. If you’ve noticed a rising sense of social consciousness, a gnawing frustration with outdated cultural norms, or a burning need to help others break their own chains, you’re right in step with the Uranian vibe. It’s not enough to taste personal freedom while everyone else is shackled to the same toxic cycles. For this planet, your breakthroughs are meant to ripple outward, shocking the herd out of complacency.

That said, the tension always lurks: you might resent feeling this ‘responsibility’ for others. Or maybe you catch glimpses of how your radical independence can isolate you. Taurus typically loves the comforts of tradition—warm relationships, financial stability, a sense of home. But Uranus is hellbent on pushing you to rearrange it all, so you can’t help noticing just how suffocating or hollow those comforts might have become. If you’ve been forced to face certain aspects of your life (check planets or points in your chart contacted by Uranus) you’d never dared challenge before, that’s Uranus tapping you on the shoulder, whispering: “We’ve got some wrecking to do.”

Don’t be surprised if you’re left feeling both exhilarated and battle-scarred. This is the typical Uranian hangover: an existential wake-up call that can’t be undone. You see the cracks in the plaster, the illusions behind the facade. You can’t retreat to the old bubble of denial because you now know how it’s built on shaky ground. And maybe that’s okay, but only because it’s precisely the friction between the old model collapsing and the new one forming that births your personal renaissance.

So here we stand, with Uranus on the move again—direct, unstoppable, rattling the cage. Its next big move is steaming straight ahead, ultimately breaching Taurus’ borders to fly briefly into Gemini on 7 July before turning retrograde again on September 6 to return to Taurus one last time on November 8. You might feel a tremendous surge in mental energy, a radically pulsating fervour to break away from your thought patterns, or a restless urge to shake things up once and for all. By the time Uranus crosses that threshold, you’ll be in a position to use what you’ve learned about resilience, resourcefulness, and the inherent impermanence of all things. Get used to the restlessness and need for speed: it’s about to become a feature, not an upset.

In short, the last few months might have felt like you were downstairs, in your cosmic test-lab. You’ve made some jarring self-discoveries, copped a few shocks to your system, and maybe even had a meltdown or two. But now’s the time to come out of that basement laboratory and push forward. Let the adrenaline of change replace the old inertia. If your world’s been flipped, zapped beyond recovery, trust that the next iteration of you—though a little rattled and uncertain—holds more dash and authenticity. Adopt the raw potential that is swirling around you, plant your feet (lightly) on Taurus ground, and keep that Uranian revolutionary spark alive. Because once Uranus barrels into Gemini, you’ll really want that new perspective. You can’t stuff it back into the toothpaste tube. So get a hold of your nerve, smash that mould, and let the revolution roll on.

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Ang Stoic is known for his empathetic yet incisive style, backed by extensive astrological expertise. Specialising in navigating major life transitions—whether career shifts, relationship struggles, Saturn returns, or midlife crises—he offers penetrating insights and warm, personalised support. By reframing even the toughest circumstances as catalysts for self-discovery and personal growth, Ang empowers you to seize each challenge as an opportunity for deeper understanding and purposeful change.

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