“Power Shift”: PLUTO stationed at 27º53′ Capricorn, MARS on the SOUTH NODE

When Pluto turns direct, especially at the end of Capricorn, expect massive shifts connected to power structures and governance. Pluto’s been revealing cracks in Capricorn’s institutional foundations for years, and its direct motion will accelerate this process- expect more exposures, scandals of high-level crusties unravelling, and fallouts stemming from obscene power abuses. Nothing is subtle; it’s all in your face, and don’t be too surprised if you find yourself in extreme dramas in which Krusty Kevins’n’Karens are forced to confront their own complicities or complacencies in these officiously stuffy systems. Whstleblowers blowing the whistle on whistleblowers for being bad whistleblowers, leaked information about leaked information, public protests over public protests— the discontentment will be hard to hide because everyone’s sick of being sick with everyone being sick…

Also, nothing more toxically triggering than Mars over the Libra South Node. Like throwing a lit match into a gas-tank filled with unresolved tensions. Mars (planet of action, aggression, and conflict) at the South Node in Libra: unresolved past relationship junk carried over into present junk, diplomatic compromises [for what??], and flip-flopping indecisiveness all collide, expect fireworks—especially when buried frustrations resurface in relationships. The crap we thought was diplomatically dealt with may come back to bite us for being inauthentic; passive-aggressive nonsense might reach a boiling point. A simple matter of fairness, justice, or balance could become a major battlefield by next week.

Sure, we may feel compelled to sever ties with situations (or people) that no longer serve our best interests. But as I said last week, Mars can make us impulsive, and what feels justifiable in the heat of the moment might have long-term consequences, especially if it spills into riots and madness- for sure, these planetary combos are not a time to sweep things under the rug.

We discussed all of this and more in our latest instalment of Cosmic Bus. Check it out here: