Epic annular eclipse at 21°♎08′ on Saturday, Oct 14, precisely opposite the CHIRON/ERIS midpoint. Will pull this apart, live on our next cosmic bus stop. For now, here’s some notes basics….

Read my full article on this, here…

I say, forget the trivial relationship drama you’re neck-deep in; the real drama is that the universe is about to redefine your comfort zone. Sure, on the surface, it may play like it’s all ‘nice’, keeping things ‘neat’ and on the level. That is what Libra is all about—balance, harmony, diplomacy. But don’t become intoxicated by that bottle of schmaltz you’re sucking out of every night. With the Eris/North Node alignment in the fierce sign of Aries, we can expect that the gloves are coming off, from now till the jolly yuletide season. Upcoming stellar events suggest an all-out standoff between Aries’ raw, uncontrollable energy and Libra’s polished calculated stratagem.

What’s looming in the shadows is a Solar Eclipse, at the exact degree where Mars in Libra is making a lot of noise but accomplishing little. It’s not just about external conflicts; it’s a shake-up of your inner world too. Mars in Libra is notorious for dilly-dallying, for talking up a big game but failing to back it up. All balls, but no penis. The Aries energy, in stark contrast, is a total dick, a ticking time bomb of impulsive action and instinct. The coming Solar Eclipse (precisely opposite the Eris/Chiron) is the detonator, a cosmic trigger that will set off a chain reaction, from your relationships to your self-worth, to your very understanding of what’s eating you from the inside out..

So, while you’re wrestling with the silly texts, the pretexts and the subtexts in your relationships, just know that it’s mere child’s play compared to the Machiavellian battleground that’s setting up for us all. If you’re confounded and perplexed about how hard it is to be yourself, even among those who are ‘supposed to’ love you as you are, then prepare yourself because things are about to get gnarly.

Our relationship conflicts are only the tip of the iceberg. While we’re quibbling over who left the cap off the toothpaste or arguing about weekend plans, underfoot, the universe is cooking up a storm of existential dilemmas and soul-rending challenges to our integral sense of self.

The celestial avalanche could care less about your messed up dinner reservations; by aggravating all your translinear soul-wounds it’s set to shake you (and all of us) out of complacency. Those arguments you’re having? They’re merely the echoes of the cuts that formed the scars of a deeper cosmic discord that refuses to heal. Yeah, it’s complex, and we can’t paste it over with a schmaltzy gesture like a performative “sorry”, a new outfit or a sassy name-change… Sure , in the foreground you may be questioning your partner’s “toxic” choices; questioning your own life’s direction… But underneath, the universe is about to serve us up a heaping dish of reality, seasoned with a dash of chaos.

I’m quite nervous but also super-excited about what’s going down, lots of Pluto/Eris action and this is reflected in the mobilisation of humans into two distinctly polarising camps, little do we realise how much we need each other, never before can we not stand to be together. When everything is simply related to everything, why do we struggle so much to relate? Let’s talk about this first eclipse in full, Thursday, usual time, join us here: