Today’s Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius poses a crisis of faith. How much of what we think we’re doing adds meaning to our lives? The challenge lies in reconciling our practical tasks and finicky Virgoan duties with the broader Sagittarian perspective.

In its last degree of Virgo, the Sun leaves us with a sesquisquare to a retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, pointing out just how much fuss we make in our desire for growth and extra comforts, urging moderation and re-evaluation after a month of excesses…


The transiting Sun leaves Virgo a little weathered and worn, perhaps a little humbled after the past month of transits. Just in the past week, its trine with Uranus in Taurus (Sat) stirred unexpected revelations and mind-shifts, prompting us to re-evaluate our value systems and step up to more progressive ideals. Yet, the opposition to a retrograde Neptune in Pisces (Tue) might’ve blurred our perceptions, leading to moments of confusion or disillusionment about our life’s direction.

The quincunx with the North Node in Aries (Tue) urged a realignment of our individual purpose with the collective direction. It was a nudge to integrate self-interests with universal evolutionary growth. Then yesterday (Fri), the Sun’s trine to a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn deepened our introspection, exposing power dynamics and hidden truths, making us reconsider our ambitions and societal roles.

Also, earlier this week, the Mars/Jupiter quincunx ushered in a form of rigid morality that, while aiming for justice, often came across as disingenuous or baseless. This is reminiscent of someone doggedly clinging to a simplistic, black-and-white perspective, creating friction with the innate desire to assert oneself yet carefully preserve harmony.

In the public sense, such as our workplace, it was as if “the manager” was rigorously upholding an archaic set of rules but passive-aggressively skirting direct confrontation when challenged, opting for the façade of peace over genuine resolution. Romantically, we saw our partner still clinging, entrenched in outdated relationship standards, who, particularly during disputes, prioritises a shallow semblance of peace over proper understanding. Such dynamics breed unresolved tension, surface-level bonds, and an atmosphere of mistrust and discomfort.

If the Sun through Virgo has felt like steering a ship through choppy waters, where every wave brought a new challenge, insight, or opportunity for growth, it is because, thanks to Virgo’s practicality and discernment being tested, that our life skills to handle this journey were also refined, hopefully setting the stage for a more balanced entry into Libra.

Tomorrow, live on a special EQUINOX edition of “Cosmic Bus”, we embark on a celestial journey through Libra season. As the SUN shifts past the Libra equinox, our cosmic dance vamps up to even more profoundly intricate relationship complexities.

Libra month, ruled by Venus, is in her “Morning Star” facet. Her dark potency is not to be underestimated. Commonly referred to as “Lucifer”, Venus as Morning Star is the “light-bringer” a position that lends Venus an aura of raw, transformative energy, urging us to confront the depths of our desires and relationships.

With the SUN debilitated in Venus-ruled Libra and VENUS in Sun-ruled Leo, their mutual reception amplifies their interconnected energies, casting a glow of aesthetically and politically aspirant yet hopelessly indecisive vibes over the month. Furthermore, with Venus’ command over Mars in Libra and that ominous South Node Libra Solar eclipse, we can expect a season rife with powerful romantic skirmishes, squabbledeegooks in partnerships, and grave lessons in navigating through global geopolitical imbalances.

So join us tomorrow for our regular cosmic ride, where I discuss at length all the pivotal planetary moments that set the stage, climaxing, of course, with the mysterious annular eclipse mid-October. Get your ticket here:

One comment

  1. Excellent!!