Virgo New Moon Lunation Report – LIVE TOMORROW

The earth is literally quaking under our feet every day now, and what does ‘man’ do? He politicises everything so that he can lay claim to possessing all the knowledge and power to fix things while blaming all ‘others’ as the cause. Too easy.

But we all know it’s all a sham. These multiple retrogrades have helped us realise that nobody has a clue wtf is going on, and it’s obvious that those in power are really nowhere to be seen, creepishly getting into position to sap the remaining life force out of this planet.

It’s going to take more than one Superman/Superwoman to fight the demonic darkness now engulfing this planet. By October, when the worm turns, things are gonna get pretty fugly on planet earth. (you don’t need to be an astrologer to predict that)

Anyways, I want to talk about all that, and what this Virgo New Moon has in store for us next Tuesday, and along with your horoscopes, I’ll be here, live tomorrow to do a special ‘cosmic bus’ lunation report, hope to see ya x

COSMIC BUS LIVE TOMORROW Friday Night (USA)/Saturday Morning
01:00 UTC – 18:00 PDT – 19:00 MDT – 20:00 CDT – 21:00 EDT – 11:00 AEST – 03:00 SAST