CALL BACK TO CENTRE (New Season of Cosmic Bus)

In the dark of the moon, a kind of unravelling occurs. If we didn’t instinctively feel it already, we begin to sense it most strongly now. The human race is about to enter its most decimating phase, for once we have completely fallen out with one another, the perils of the mass toxicity leaves us in nothing but a hostile, inhospitable land. Our communities become no longer able to hold diverse views and opinions. Xenophobia, which used to be a fear of strangers now extends to the people in your own neighbourhood, perhaps even your own family.

In the grips of the sustained SQUARE between PLUTO(survival through adaptation) and ERIS (extinction), life on earth becomes a matter of survival of the fittest and it’s every child, woman and man for himself. This cannot be.

Since SATURN/PLUTO’s conjunction (Jan 2020) this planet has become subject to heavy campaigns of carefully contrived fear and paranoia. Yet, as we discover, no amount of safeguarding – be it through sterilising our environs, social dissociation, inoculating doctorings and limitations of movement, speech or even thought can liberate us from the spread of the destructive mind-virus of Wetiko.

This invisible mass psychosis has now permeated our entire set of perceptions, and nothing – no story, game or song can release, soothe, appease us unless we pull back into our solar centre.

We live in a state of anxiety and despair, and unless we pay the piper, our children/future will be whisked away from under our noses by the enchanting music of his flute. It is not too late to see how our obsession with money, status, fame and power – consumables that have all but consume our souls – have left our beautiful communities in negligent disrepair.

The Leo New Moon (Sunday) is a call to the brave to stand in the integrity, honour and conscious sovereign agency of their SOLAR FIRE and SHINE. It’s time to put our light on, snuff out this darkness and reclaim our children (inner and outer) from the shadows.

Let’s begin our discussion on how this is possible, in our new season of cosmic bus, live on Facebook, tomorrow…

Here’s a chirpy little story, a true legend from times when another epidemic was spreading throughout the known world. Incidentally, this happened in one of those rare years when Saturn/Pluto was conjunct in Capricorn:”

In 1284, while the town of Hamelin was suffering from a rat infestation, a piper dressed in multicoloured (“pied”) clothing appeared, claiming to be a rat-catcher. He promised the mayor a solution to their problem with the rats. The mayor, in turn, promised to pay him for the removal of the rats (according to some versions of the story, the promised sum was 1,000 guilders). The piper accepted and played his pipe to lure the rats into the Weser River, where they all drowned.

Despite the piper’s success, the mayor reneged on his promise and refused to pay him the full sum (reputedly reduced to a sum of 50 guilders) even going so far as to blame the piper for bringing the rats himself in an extortion attempt. Enraged, the piper stormed out of the town, vowing to return later to take revenge.

On Saint John and Paul’s day, while the adults were in church, the piper returned dressed in green like a hunter and playing his pipe. In so doing, he attracted the town’s children. One hundred thirty children followed him out of town and into a cave and were never seen again.” ~ Wiki

*In the past 2000 years, Saturn has conjunct Pluto in Capricorn only 5 times…. 047 AD, 549 AD, 783 AD, 1284 & 1518.

Here is a chart of the Pied Piper story: