The full moon has exposed a flaw in our very process of thinking; it is as if our species is suffering from a thought disorder, as if we're undergoing some sort of universal thinking dysfunction, one which goes unnoticed especially by the thinker him/herself.
This contention between the subject and his/her object, or the subjective/objective generates a horrifying awareness: somehow the self-monitoring circuit in our mind (wherever that resides) is tricked by the very dysfunction it's supposed to be monitoring.
When the mass of humanity is under the spell of the psychic epidemic, we aren’t aware of our affliction. From our point of view, we don’t have a problem, and if there is a problem, the cause of it is seen as residing in someone else.
The wicked mind-virus controls by shutting us all down (putting us in a sort of cryogenic sleep) so that we do not see the living quality of the world. . . . This occlusion; this cocooning becomes self-perpetuating; it makes us unaware of our state. In our cocoons, we can’t even tell that we are shut down - our state of being shut down becomes a feedback loop that perpetually self-generates itself until the (snow white) spell is broken.
The next lunation, the Cancer New Moon on Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 18°02' falls just prior to an opposition to Pluto, and intersects key midpoints between SATURN/URANUS/NEPTUNE, all vectors of specific types of consciousness. We are transitioning through, and it is painful, but the wonders of stepping into a quantum reality are simply unimaginable and almost... almost indescribable.
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