There cannot be a spiritual makeover, or paradigm shift without an earth-shattering new theory, something that reorders the old-world knowledge into a whole new framework.
As seen throughout history, revolutionary theories only succeed when the new framework is ready to let go of rigid old beliefs and willing to question everything with an open mind, solving problems that stymied the previous intellectual regime.
This tense aspect between these two outermost bodies continues to congeal into that lingering Darwinian drawl over humanity's 'pandemic years', which one might argue commenced well before 2020 and will continue until Pluto finally exits Capricorn in 2024. Here those with true night-vision may witness these two most hideous monsters in us all. Entangled throughout Apr-Jul in Pluto and Eris' octile to that mysterious Nodal Axis, now through Gemini/Sadge, effectively dragging us all through this 'crisis in action' phase of the cosmic 'evolve-or-be-extinct' agenda.

This do-or-die pressure to adapt to strange new circumstances is made ever more emotionally intense around the 5th of June when Mars, crestfallen through his transit in Moon-ruled Cancer, opposes Pluto.
Here Luna, in her waning edges of her recent Blood Supermoon Eclipse, deep notions become highly volatile and activated in Mars-ruled Aries. Albethey in mutual reception, Luna's conjunction to Eris develops into a tempestuous T-square as malefics Ares and Hades come into opposition, reaching a bout of the most brutal eruptions of anger and rage, as Mars rails angrily against authority.
Join me here on the bus, as we discuss these ECLIPSES further, start looking at the 2nd URANUS/SATURN square and review our war against darkness, ignorance and greed....
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