SUN conjunct URANUS in Taurus

[image: tyler green]

What you are experiencing – this pigheaded unwillingness to be trammelled by convention, this urge to turn everything upside down; destructively rail against the injustices and inequities of the world; the urge not to comply with their status quo groupthink and be something original and inventive is rooted deeply in earthy values which defy time, space and all linear dimension – that’s the new you.

If you deny the Uranian forces overhead, you will definitely become confronted by them and this frenetically electric buzz will upset and disrupt your storyline, add new dimensions to your thinking by unshackling you from all prior expectations.

Sure, it will aggravate the irritations and vexations that are already going on in your life, but unless you take it personally, get your ego all wrapped up in trying to wrap your head around the fact that we, as humans, are evolving into a whole new being – an interdimensional entity which is at once connected to this earth but also reaching for the stars, there is no hope, no promise, no refuge from the madness that has possessed us all on this planet and forcing us to find a new way…

To discover more about how this affects you personally, book in for a private astrological consultation with Ang.

Sessions last 80 minutes, via Skype, during which time you will become reoriented with the bigger picture of your true life purpose, reconnect to your present situation, see it from every aspect and come to a place of certainty about which decisions to make, moving forward.

Click here to book.