Having an ego ain’t a bad thing. Those who develop a strong ego - a strongly defined will or an imposing sense of self, are more able to respond, relate to and engage with the often extremely powerful and archetypal forces (both dark and light) of the unconscious.
Those who lack a strongly determined sense of self (even though, in the truest sense, it is not the authentic self), often become overwhelmed and taken over by the hidden powers of the unconscious, to the extent that they compulsively act them out.
In this bus session, we continue our soul-journey with the Sun through Aries, as we prepare for the Pluto/Eris New Moon on the Nodes, observing the powerful underlying forces of our times. Please join us as we share a moment of stillness and contemplation of what is indeed happening on this otherwise crazy bus ride...
Here is a small sampling of the in-depth delineation provided in the weekly Cosmic Bus broadcasts...
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