The Re-imagining of Love & Marriage – JUNO at the South Node Squaring VENUS/NEPTUNE Pisces New Moon

JUNO at the South Node also squaring next week’s VENUS/NEPTUNE NEW MOON, symbolises the dissolution of the traditional bond in the sacred institution of marriage, perhaps giving us a chance to reimagine how couples will move forward together in the pacy new age of greater equality between all humans and accelerating social reforms.

The current expectation that marriage is a “’til-death-do-us-part” type-deal need not feel like a death sentence to one’s individualism, regardless of how much people still prefer to commit to a long-term relationship.

As discussed with you recently (CosmicBus #2108), the emphasis in Aquarius, both in the new synodic Jupiter/Saturn cycle, as well as the two successive Venus/Mars cycles commencing in cool, rationally-minded Aquarius will drive trends in human relationships – especially among the younger generations – towards a greater sense of individualism/non-attachment baseline, thus considerably altering the way we come/stay together as couples.

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Juno, the goddess of marriage, was revered for her faithfulness and fidelity but she was also a jealous and vindictive wife. Her hovering over the South Node brings out the most dogmatic aspects of our beliefs, religious values, and exaggerated expectations of what we want from our partner, but as this point is currently being challenged by energies from the prevailing lunation, we are forced to reimagine what the ideal marriage of the future may look like.

What are some of the more promising changes in that are emerging in the areas of love & marriage from this transit, let’s take a look:

  • Marriage will continue to decline dramatically as women increasingly gain greater autonomy and socioeconomic equality in the gender divide;
  • Marriage vows will become renewable every couple of years (is the marriage-contract still valid?);
  • Couples will take a more economically rational approach towards birth control and having children altogether;
  • New technologies will expedite us out of physical (3D) limitations and into more satisfying ‘virtual’ relationships, providing more suitable alternatives for 4D/5D landscapes;
  • New devices that track our movement and provide biometrics will enhance the way we express our emotional intelligence’ and psychic spatial awareness, gradually eliminating all toxic, control-drama behavioural patterns;
  • ‘Hook-up’ culture will grant us more ‘sex without commitment’ opportunities;
  • Diversity in sexuality and gender shifts us out of standard hetero models;
  • Wider e-surveillance will introduce a new, more transparent level of accountability, both between domestic partners and towards greater community concerns (health, spreadable disease, faithfulness, etc)…

Of course, these are only some of the shifts I can come up with, and then, only as an interim as humans rapidly evolve to transition into a whole new frontier (2025 – ). The impending collapse of the standard 3D world – its climate, sociopolitical structures, traditional notions of ‘society’ and outdated economic sustainability models will also alter the inner landscape of human emotions, affecting relations in ways which many will find inconceivable. If you feel bewildered, alienated or dismayed, don’t…

For the time being, we still crave a need to feel and touch one another, despite the multifarious ‘perils’ of infecting one another with our ‘dis-ease’. However, due to the increased vigilance for greater interpersonal health and safety upon mind, body and spirit, humanity is developing greater mindfulness around all the toxic old hazards of the 3D-dynamic. Out of necessity, human relationships enter a whole new paradigm as we shift into another dimension.

According to the transiting planets, you are already equipped to make the transition quite nicely. Any distancing or alienation you may be experiencing lately is just an interim process, loosening you up to become more accepting of all that’s possible when you open your heart and mind to the abundant interrelational possibilities that lie ahead for you in the multidimensional potential of the quantum field.

If you could benefit from more personalised guidance through this time, you are welcome to book in for a private consultation with Ang.
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One comment

  1. Wonderful wonderful, thank you very much!