Planning the Great Escape (Prelude to Last Quarter Moon)

…hope you’re studying up on how to get yourself out of this painful little twist.

All around and everywhere, unwitting instruments for wickedness and corruption are arrogantly, ignorantly, and self-righteously convinced they are in possession of the ‘truth’ and working for the highest good. It is as if they are unable to know that what they are doing is nasty and corrosive, unable to register their actions as anything other than healthy.

The real disease plaguing this planet cannot be medicated nor controlled by the very system which is itself infected with the disease. The pathogen of pure criminality, which manifests in the possessed individual under its thrall, now wreaks merciless havoc in the inner landscape of their perverted, convoluted psyche, playing out in their patriarchal role, as well as over the lives of those whom they purport to govern.

If you feel stuck in a box in some department over there, better wise up – devote a little systematic research on those ‘dark triad’ jerks – narcissus, psychopathus, and Machiavelli (& the four seasons)… gonna prove hand-ay.

Moon is only 24 clicks away from hitting Scorpio…

Eris has cast her disease against Pluto’s dark auspices of patriarchal power… “Apple of Discord” is another way of saying “any action or situation that causes dissent, dissension and turmoil and causes more trouble than it’s worth.”