As the Sun moves into Pisces, we become slowly immersed by waves of light which seek to dissolve and resolve our ego-attachments. In this, we either move more into the negativity of our 3D victim-martyr complexes or learn to forgive and reconnect to others in a multidimensional field of higher consciousness.
VENUS and MARS now close the final phase of their third (and final) 2-year cycle in Virgo, a cycle of highly discerning interpersonal evaluations and the stringent ways we choose to relate amongst one another.
After some false starts, the next /
cycle will formally commence at 00°
00' (6 Mar 2022), further opening our eyes to a far more progressive, futuristic world of relationships. In the meantime, we have much clearing of past baggage yet to do. Before we can jump in the Pisces pool of collectiveness, we must take off all our clothes, remove all jewellery and come perfectly naked, without fears and hang-ups about our boundaries and baggage. There will be no clinging on to anyone either. For some, there is still fear about this fear of losing... but given that we have everything to gain, why do we hold such reservations?
Enjoy this short excerpt from today's episode:

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