In a couple of hours, Saturn leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius (just like he did March-June earlier this year). The future ‘normal’ is here, but with Saturn, our vision of it can be rather bleak if it is cloaked with fear and not blessed with responsibility.

Aquarius represents independence, ingenuity and individuality, while Saturn is the face of authoritarianism and restriction. It’s possible that over the next couple of years, in the efforts to impose a blanket, one-rule-for-all, impartial, universal law – one which is based on impersonal and scientific structures, that your own, personal independence may somehow feel limited or constrained in some way, your freedom somehow hampered by the authorities.

Fear of losing our liberties makes us particularly irritable and defensive about our rights. Some of us will swing into hardcore rebellion against any efforts to restrict our movement or muzzle our freedom of speech, even against what may otherwise be fair and equitable laws and civil responsibilities.

Others will hone in on anyone who is “different,” and try to isolate them lest they cause chaos and rebellion in the ranks. Our fears here essentially come from holding fixed views and rigid ideas on how the world should be, and it is this rigidity and reticence to let go of expired ideologies and allow even small upgrades into our daily programs that create intolerance and stagnation.

Freedom has to come with some degree of responsibility here and without understanding the source of our fear, our hope for an illustriously inventive social utopia can quickly turn into a dark, dystopian drama.[…more on this, as Jupiter also enters Aquarius (soon)]**Orwell, Mozart, Dali, Polanski, Yoko, Crowley, Charles Manson, Louis XIV (Sun King), Henry XII, Carl Jung all had Saturn in Aquarius…