As Monday’s TOTAL ECLIPSE approaches, a reminder to stay mindful that your greatest intentions, most ambitious projections on how to carry on ‘believing’ in this turbulent world stand to be interceded by an unexpected force or an unforeseen turn of events.
This is an “eclipse” – something capricious and whimsical (like the moon) overshadows your conscious (solar) intent.
That said, now you know what to expect.
We are at the dawn of a new era, a moment in linear time when we experience the epiphany that our propensity to believe in myth, absurdity and fiction have been manipulated, ever so subtly over the generations to convince us that committing atrocities upon one another’s nature is somewhat acceptable. As such, our laws, religions and political persuasions have led us to piously commit crimes against nature herself.
We are about to enter a period of shocking revelations, discoveries and breakthroughs. These will demolish and obliterate most of the nonsense of our past. It is time to look at the universe (both inner and outer) with an open mind. No claim (however serious) may go without supporting evidence, no book (however holy) may be considered as the literal truth, and no fallible human mind may be considered ‘righteous’ and beyond question.
Remain sceptical. Believe nothing. Our sacred quest is only meaningful in our intrepid questioning of everything we see and hear. The truth lies in your question, not their answer.
Why do you even ask the question Ang if you don’t accept the answer? (any answer). Lol! So no matter what you or anyone say it is just crap. Right?
Not what I said. Remain sceptical – ask questions but be prepared to listen until there is no further question. It is unlikely we will settle for any answer in the new Age of Inquiry. To remain curious is to be constantly in alignment with nature (and beyond).