June 21 (Solstice) is a time to celebrate light and honour the wisdom of the shadows. By recalibrating ourselves with the natural world in a way that honours the sacred immanence in all things, we attune our inner resonance with the seasons.

This special date also ushers in news of a convergent awakening. A spectacular annular Eclipse at 00°21 CANCER’ heralds a time of extremely heightened emotional awareness. A Cancer eclipse aims to offset the harsh judgement and cruelty that Capricorn is currently imposing. Domestic priorities become universally conspicuous, but plagued with health concerns and inferiority issues, we become haunted by anxiety and fear for no apparent reason.

In our next Cosmic Bus (in about 48 hours) I will delve deeply into the dynamics of this super-ominous event, flanked by two lunar eclipses. I welcome all to join my tribe of subscribers as special guests (free to first 100 only). Invitations to this webinar will be sent to all those registered to our free weekly Newsletter, sign up here.

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