[artist: alejandro pasquale]


The Moon makes her final pass over the Capricorn South Node. One by one, we have come to leave behind the cold, calculating stance that achieving prestige and social significance meant everything. These attitudes have actually made us physically or emotionally sick, left us feeling miserable and inadequate. Only the billionaires and plutocrats have won out in this round.

The rest of the world is reeling.

In the ruthlessness of JUPITER/PLUTO’s worldview, total confinement, punishment or even death seems acceptable if it will serve the greater good. This can be taken to mean that the preservation of big business, central banks, governments, and global corporate entities are higher on the Capricorn agenda than tending to the needs of the community, natural environment, family and emotional needs of others.

Humanity pays the ultimate price for this lopsided displacement in core values, but hey… maybe our lives will take a turn as the NODES shift back into GEMINI/SAGITTARIUS (May 5).

Will we go through a period of wild, unruly restlessness, where we try to shirk the demands of civilised society with our ‘beliefs’, or do we manage to come together through greater connectivity of thoughts and ideas, play a more humanistic part in the culture we live in?

That is the question…

#ᴀᴤᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏØʄɴᴏᴡ Transiting North Node enters Gemini on 5 May