The ongoing lock-down saga metastasises a different kind of ‘infectiousness’. From now till the end of July VENUS travels back and forth over the same old ground in Gemini. Basically, this means that we form the most unlikely alliances and bonds with those to whom we’re in daily contact.

Make every effort to kiss-and-make-up with those housemates, neighbours, siblings and relatives, if for no other reason than you’re stuck with them.
Better get used to phoning/skyping it too. Typically, Venus in Gemini can be quite flippant and detached in her affairs, flitting from one love interest to another just to keep it ‘interesting’. Don’t be surprised if (by the end of this) you’ve not exhausted every contact and old flame, all the way back to that 8th-grade crush whose number you still happen to have… at least just to catch up and clear the air.
Those with mutable planets (VIRGO, GEMINI, SADGE, PISCES) between 5° – 22° are most affected, even if it is facetiously and only to their face.

VENUS rules next week’s TAURUS NEW MOON, so love, money and world peace are hot items in tomorrow’s Cosmic Bus discussion – also open to the first 100 who registered through last week’s email invitation. Of course, Cosmic Tribe members will be able to catch us on FB live, as usual…